Intelligent Machines & Sociotechnical Systems Lab
Welcome to the Intelligent Machines & Sociotechnical Systems (iMaSS) lab at the Department of Electrical Engineering, LUMS. The iMaSS Lab conducts research at the intersection of applied mathematics, microeconomic theory, and social sciences with applications in swarm robotics, human decision modelling in societal settings, and sociotechnical systems. Our objective is to develop solid theoretical foundations for complex problems that are motivated from practical systems involving machines or humans or a combination of both. The research at the iMaSS lab has three main themes:
Multi-robot Systems
Human Decision Modeling
Sociotechnical Systems
Multi-robot systems: Designing distributed algorithms for multi-robot systems with real-time performance guarantees.
Human decision modeling: Developing dynamical models for human decision making and analyzing the impact of these models at the societal level.
Sociotechnical Systems: Analyzing the complex interactions between humans and machines in sociotechnical systems like smart agriculture systems and developing mechanisms for improving system level performance.
The research at the iMaSS lab contributes to the foundational areas of game theory, network control systems, and distributed optimization.
News & Events
Sept. 2020 Dr. Hassan Jaleel will be offering EE560 Linear Systems theory in Fall 2020.
July 2020 Our paper titled "A Hierarchical Approach for the Stochastic Stability Analysis of Evolutionary Dynamics," is accepted in the 59th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) 2020, Jeju Island, South Korea.
July 2020 Dr. Hassan Jaleel appeared on LUMS Live Session 24: Cooperation or Conflict During Times of Crisis? Lessons from Shared Water Resources.
June 2020 Nimra Irshad successfully defended her M.S thesis titled, "An Approximation Based Approach for Real-Time Multi-Robot Path Planning Under Adversarial Setting." Congratulations to Nimra on this accomplishment.