
PUBLICATIONS: (*Corresponding author)


31. Chen, S.-P., W.-T. Liu, F.-Y. Cheng, C.-H. Wang, S.-M. Huang, J.-L. Wang, (2024). Ozone containment through selective mitigation measures on precursors of volatile organic compounds. Science of the Total Environment. 167953


30. Lin, Y.C., F.-Y. Cheng*, Lee, Y.J., Nguyen, T.T.N., Tsai, C.J., Wen, H.C., Wu, C.H., Chang, W.C., Huang, C.C., 2023. Assessments of the Emission Contributions from an Ultra-Supercritical Coal-Fired Power Plant to Ambient PM2.5 in Taiwan. Aerosol Air Qual. Res.

29. Nguyen, TT, Le, TC, Sung, YT, Cheng, FY, Wen, HC, Wu, CH, Aggarwal, SG, Tsai, CJ. The influence of COVID-19 pandemic on PM2.5 air quality in Northern Taiwan from Q1 2020 to Q2 2021. J Environ Manage. 2023 Oct 1;343:118252. doi: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2023.118252. Epub 2023 May 24. PMID: 37247544; PMCID: PMC10208270.

28. Hsu, C.-H*, F.-Y. Cheng*, C.-L. Chen, D.-H Wu, T.-Y. Chen, K.-F. Liao, W.-L. Lay, Y.-T. Zhang, 2023. A high-resolution inventory of ammonia emissions from agricultural fertilizer application and crop residue in Taiwan. Atmospheric Environment.


27.Yang, S.-C., F.-Y. Cheng*, L.-J. Wang, S.-H. Wang, C.-H Hsu, 2022. Impact of lidar data assimilation on planetary boundary layer wind and PM2.5 prediction in Taiwan. Atmospheric Environment.

26. Cheng, F.-Y.*, Wang, Y.-T., Huang, M.-Q., Lin, P.-L., Lin, C.-H., Lin, P.-H., Wang, S.-H., Tsuang, B.-J., 2022. Boundary layer characteristics over complex terrain in central Taiwan: Observations and numerical modeling.Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 127, e2021JD035726.


25. Cheng, F.-Y*, C.-Y. Feng, Z.-M. Yang, C.-H. Hsu, K.-W. Chan, C.-Y. Lee, S.-C. Chang, 2020. Evaluation of real-time PM2.5 forecasts with the WRF-CMAQ modeling system and weather-pattern dependent bias-adjusted PM2.5 forecasts in Taiwan. Atmospheric Environment, 244, 117909.


24. Sinaga, D., W. Setyawati, F.-Y. Cheng, S.-C. Candice Lung, 2020. Investigation on daily exposure to PM2.5  in Bandung city, Indonesia using low-cost sensor, Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology, 1-12.

23. Ou-Yang, C.-F., H.-C. Hsieh, F.-Y. Cheng, N.-H. Lin, S.-C. Chang, J.-L. Wang, 2020. Decadal Trends of Speciated Non-methane Hydrocarbons in Taipei. Journal of Geographical Research – Atmospheres, v125, issue 16,


22. Cheng, F. Y.*, Lin, C. F., Wang, Y. T., Tsai, J. L., Tsuang, B. J., and Lin, C. H., 2019. Impact of Effective Roughness Length on Mesoscale Meteorological Simulations over Heterogeneous Land Surfaces in Taiwan. Atmosphere, 10 (12), 805 (SCI)


21. Hsu, C.-H., F.-Y. Cheng*, H.-Y. Chang, N.-H. Lin, 2019. Implementation of a dynamical NH3 emissions parameterization in CMAQ for improving PM2.5 simulation in Taiwan, Atmospheric Environment, 218, 116923. (SCI)


20.   Cheng, F.-Y*. and C.-H. Hsu, 2019. Long-term variations in PM2.5 concentrations under changing meteorological conditions in Taiwan. Scientific Reports 9, 6635. (SCI)


19.   Hsu, C.-H. and F.-Y. Cheng*. 2019. Synoptic weather patterns and associated air pollution in Taiwan.  Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 19, 1139-1151.DOI: 10.4209/aaqr.2018.09.0348. (SCI).


18.   Wu, C.-M., H.-C. Lin, F.-Y. Cheng, M.-H. Chien, 2019. Implementation of the land surface processes into a Vector Vorticity Equation (VVM) to study its impact on afternoon thunderstorms over complex topography in Taiwan. Asia-Pacific J Atmos Sci. (SCI)




17.   Cheng, F.-Y. * and Y. Chen. 2018. Variations in soil moisture and their impact on land-air interactions during a 6-month drought period in Taiwan. Geoscience Letters, (2018) 5:26, 1-14 (SCI).




16.   Hsu, C.-H. and F.-Y. Cheng*. 2016. Classification of weather patterns to study the influence of meteorological characteristics on PM2.5 concentrations in Yunlin County, Taiwan.  Atmospheric Environment. V144, P397-408 (SCI). 


15.   Lin, T.-S. and F.-Y. Cheng*, 2016. Impact of soil moisture initialization and soil texture on simulated land-atmosphere interaction in Taiwan. Journal of hydrometeorology. P1337-1355. DOI: 10.1175/JHM-D-15-0024.1 (SCI)


14.   Lin, Y.-L., K.-Y. Lee, C.-S. Chen, F.-Y. Cheng, P.-L. Lin, J.-H. Teng, C.-L. Liu., 2016. Initiation and maintenance mechanisms for heavy precipitation system over a mountainous island under a prevailing monsoon current. Earth Science Research, V5, No.2.



Before 2016

13.   Cheng, F.-Y.*, S.-P. Jian, Z.-M. Yang, B.-J. Tsuang, M.-C. Yen, 2015. Impact of regional climate changes on meteorological characteristics and their subsequent effect on ozone dispersion in Taiwan. Atmospheric Environment. V103, P66-81. (SCI)


12.   Cheng, F.-Y.*, Yang, Z.-M., Ou-Yang C.-F., Ngan, F., 2013. A numerical study of the dependence of long-range transport of CO to a mountain station in Taiwan on synoptic weather patterns during the Southeast Asia biomass-burning season. Atmospheric Environment. V78, P.277-290, (SCI)


11.   Cheng, F.-Y.*, Hsu, Y.-C., Lin, P.-L., Lin, T.-H., 2013. The effects of different land use and cover patterns on mesoscale meteorological simulations over Taiwan. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology. V52, No.3, P.570-587. (SCI)


10.   Cheng, F.-Y.*, Chin, S.-C., Liu, T.-H., 2012. The role of boundary layer schemes in meteorological and air quality simulations of the Taiwan area. Atmospheric Environment, 54, 714-727.  DOI:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2012.01.029. (SCI)


9.       Geogakakos, A.P., H. Yao, M. Kistenmacher, K. P. Geogakakos, N.E. Graham, F.Y. Cheng, C. Spencer and E. Shamir, 2012: Value of Adaptive Water Resources Management in Northern California under Climatic Variability and Change: Reservoir Management, Journal of Hydrology. 412-413, P.34-46. doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2011.04.038 (SCI)


8.       Geogakakos, K.P., N.E. Graham, F.Y. Cheng, C. Spencer, E. Shamir, A.P. Georgakakos, H. Yao and M. Kistenmacher, 2012: Value of Adaptive Water Resources Management in Northern California under Climatic Variability and Change: Dynamic Hydroclimatology, Journal of Hydrology. 412-413, P.47-65, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2011.04.032 (SCI)


7.       Cheng, F. Y. and K. P. Georgakakos, 2011: Wind speed interpolation in the vicinity of the Panama Canal, Journal of Meteorological Applications, volume 18, Issue 4, P. 459-466. (SCI)


6.       Cheng, F. Y. and K. P. Georgakakos, 2010: Statistical Analysis of the Observed and Simulated Hourly Wind in the Vicinity of the Panama Canal, International Journal of Climatology, Volume 31, Issue 5, P. 770-782, Article first published online: 23 Mar DOI: 10.1002/joc.2123. (SCI)


5.       Cheng, F. Y. and D.W. Byun, 2008: Application of High Resolution Land Use and Land Cover Data for Atmospheric Modeling in the Houston-Galveston Metropolitan Area: Part I, Meteorological Simulation Results, Atmospheric Environment 42, 7795-7811. (SCI)


4.       Cheng, F. Y., S.T. Kim and D.W. Byun, 2008: Application of High Resolution Land Use and Land Cover Data for Atmospheric Modeling in the Houston-Galveston Metropolitan Area: Part II, Air Quality Simulation Results, Atmospheric Environment 42, Issue 20, 4853-4869. (SCI) 


3.       Byun, D.W., Kim, S. T., Cheng, F. Y., Kim, S. B., Cuclis, A. and Moon, N. K., 2003: Information Infrastructure for Air Quality Modeling and Analysis: Application to the Houston-Galveston Ozone Non-attainment Area, J. Environmental Informatics, 2(2), 38-57.


2.       Cheng, F. Y., 2006: A numerical study to understand impact of meteorological changes due to land use and land cover differences on Houston¡¦s high ozone problem. Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, University of Houston.


1.    Cheng, F. Y., 2003: A study of meteorological conditions causing high ozone episodes in the Houston-Galveston area with land surface modeling. MS thesis, Geosciences Department, University of Houston.