
Boundary Layer Meteorology

Course: Planetary Boundary Layer Meteorology

This is a graduate-level course and will be given in English (undergraduate student at senior level can also take this course).

Course Objectives:

Upon completion of the course, students will be able to

1) understand the characteristics, vertical structure of the PBL

Course Content:

1. Mean boundary layer characteristics

a) boundary layer definition

b) turbulent transport

c) boundary layer structure

2. Mathematics

a) eddy flux

b) turbulent kinetic energy

3. Governing Equations

a) equation of mean variables in a turbulent flow

b) Simplifications, approximations

4. Prognostic equations for turbulent flux

5. Turbulent kinetic energy

6. Turbulent closure techniques

a) closure problem

b) local closure and nonlocal closure

7. Boundary conditions and external forcing

a) surface turbulent flux

b) surface energy budget equations

c) radiation budget

d) partitioning of flux into sensible and latent heat flux

8. Similarity theory

a) Buckingham Pi dimensional analysis methods

b) stable, neutral and convective BL similarity relationship

9. Convective mixed layer and stable boundary layer

10. Measurement and simulation methods

Text Book

An introduction to boundary layer meteorology by Roland B. Stull

Air Pollution Meteorology

Course: Air Pollution Meteorology

Course Description:

This course emphasizes the meteorological processes affecting air pollution problems in the atmosphere and explores the physical and chemical processes in the boundary layer in which the air pollutants from natural and anthropogenic sources are emitted. The fundamental concepts of surface energy budget, continuity equation, atmospheric forces and stability will be discussed. The atmospheric and air pollution modeling will be introduced.

Course Objectives:

Upon completion of the course, students will be able to

1) understand the interactions among the radiation, heat, moisture, cloud and wind dynamics in the atmosphere

2) develop the knowledge of the meteorological processes influencing air pollutants transport and diffusion

3) perform atmospheric chemistry model

Course Content:

1. Introduction to air pollution

a) Chemical composition and structures of the atmosphere

b) Air pollutants/Sources and sinks

c) Effects of air pollution

2. Atmospheric energy balance

a) Radiation

b) Surface energy budget

3. Atmospheric motions and forces

a) Scales of motions

b) Pressure gradient force, Coriolis force, centrifugal and frictional force)

4. Planetary boundary layer meteorology

a) Temperature, moisture and wind distribution in the planetary boundary layer

b) Turbulence and stability

c) Similarity theory

d) Convective and stable boundary layer

5. Dispersion and diffusion /Plume rise/Dry and wet deposition

6. Atmospheric and air pollution modeling

a) Emission Processing

b) Photochemical model

c) Application in control strategy

7. Special topics

a) Biogenic emission and land use changes

b) Regional and urban air pollution

c) Land sea breeze circulation

d) Long range transport

e) Ozone and aerosol problems

Atmospheric Thermodynamics

1.Atmospheric composition and structure

2.Thermodynamic systems and variables

3.Gases and equation of state

4.Hydrostatic equation

5.First Law of Thermodynamics

6.Heat Engine: Carnot Cycle

7.Second Law of Thermodynamics

8.Air and water

9.Thermodynamic charts/vertical profile (Graphical software: GrADS/python)

10.Profiles of atmosphere/Atmospheric Stability

11.Planetary boundary layer (PBL)

Computer Programming and Graphics

Course: Computer Programming and Graphics (II)


1. Review of FORTRAN 77

2. Introduction of FORTRAN 90

3. Graphics

a) GrADS (Grid display and analysis system)

b) Python


Fortran 95 程式設計 By 彭國倫基峰出版社


Homework Assignment (15%)

After Class Quiz (5%)

Class Participation (25%)

Midterm (20%)

Final Exam (20%)

Project (15%)