
Keynote Speakers


Lorenzo Devilla

Università degli Studi di Sassari



Maître des conférences en langue et linguistique française à l’Université de Sassari (Italie), où il est responsable FLE au Département de Sciences Humaines et Sociales (DUMAS) ainsi que responsable de la licence en Médiation Linguistique et culturelle (L12) depuis juin 2021. Il a été Directeur-adjoint au Centre des langues (CLA) de la même université. Il est membre du Directif de l’Association Dorif Université. Il a été Professeur invité à l’Université Montpellier3 (2015), à l’Université de Haute-Alsace (2017) et à l’Université de Corse (2022).

Ses travaux portent sur la variation dans le français contemporain, notamment sur la stylisation cinématographique des pratiques langagières des jeunes urbains (sociolinguistique). Il s’intéresse aussi à la représentation de la Sardaigne dans le discours touristique français, papier et en ligne, ainsi qu’au rapport entre langues minoritaires et tourisme, notamment à la marchandisation du sarde dans la promotion touristique. Dans ce cas, l’approche adoptée s’inscrit à la croisée de l’analyse du discours et de la sociolinguistique.

Il est responsable du projet de recherche « Plurilinguisme, patrimoine culturel et développement durable », financé par la Fondation de Sardaigne (année 2022-2023), ainsi que de l’unité de recherche de l’Université de Sassari au sein du projet national PRIN 2022 « Communicating minority languages in multilingual settings. Between (virtual) linguistic landscape and policy, language contact and variation, speech and writing ». Il fait partie du groupe de recherche de l’Université de Sassari dans le cadre du Plan National de Relance et Résilience (PNRR), qui s’inscrit plus globalement, au niveau européen, dans le plan de relance NextGenerationEU, et qui va durer jusqu’en décembre 2025. Dans le cadre du «Spoke02» « Innovation and sustainability for the competitiveness of tourism and cultural heritage SMEs in marginal markets », il est notamment responsable d’un projet de recherche intitulé « Local food and beverage production, territory and market: communicating the image of products and local places ».

Il est actif également dans la formation des enseignant.e.s de FLE. Il a coorganisé les journées Le Français en action en Sardaigne (Cagliari et Sassari, 22-23 février 2024) et participé en tant que formateur aux Journées Pédagogiques pour l’enseignement du francais, organisées par l’Institut francais Italia en collaboration avec l’Université de Naples L’Orientale (11 et 12 septembre 2023) et aux journées La francophonie n’est pas un exotisme, organisées par la Fédération des Alliances Françaises d’Italie (20 décembre 2021, en ligne).

Il fait partie de l’école doctorale en « Langues, Littératures, Cultures et Territoires » depuis 2010. Il a été Directeur de la thèse de Caroline Venaille (analyse des médias, 2016) et de Jessica Ladu (enseignement du FLE, 2021) et il dirige actuellement les thèse de Sara Federico (rap féminin) et Giulia Scanu (communication touristique).



Publications récentes

- Devilla L., Federico, S., Caria, M. (2024), « Diversité linguistique et revitalisation dans l’aire linguistique catalane : le cas de Perpignan (France) et de L’Alguer / Alghero (Italie) », Glottopol[En ligne], 40 | 2024, mis en ligne le 01 février 2024.

- Devilla L., Bonu, B. (2022). Le traitement interactionnel des objets de la connaissance en milieu contraint : enjeux discursifs et interactionnels, Travaux Neuchâtelois de Linguistique (TRANEL), Vol. 76, p. 87-112.

- Devilla L. (2022). La communication touristique numérique des organismes institutionnels de Sardaigne et de Corse. Les langues régionales entre authenticité et marchandisation. Une étude de cas. In : F. Neveu, S. Prévost, A. Steuckardt, G. Bergounioux and B. Hamma (dir.), 8e Congrès Mondial de Linguistique Française. Paris : SHS Web Conf, Volume 138, p. 1-15.

- Devilla L. (2022). La communication touristique à travers les sites web institutionnels. Le cas de la Sardaigne et de la Corse : deux « îles soeurs » ? In: Devilla, L., GaliñanesGallén, M. (dir.). Le parole del turismo. Aspetti linguistici e letterari. Alessandria: Edizioni dell’Orso, p. 117-130.

- Devilla, L., GaliñanesGallén, M. (dir.) (2022). Le parole del turismo. Aspetti linguistici e letterari. Alessandria: Edizioni dell’Orso.

- Devilla, L., GaliñanesGallén, M. (dir.) (2021). Lingue minori e turismo. Aspetti linguistici, sociolinguistici e territoriali. Cagliari: Arkadia Università.

- Devilla L. (2020). Une langue « entre guillemets ». Le discours direct dans la presse écrite italienne. Enjeux typographiques. ORBIS LINGUARUM, vol. 54, p. 151-163, ISSN: 1426-7241

- Devilla L (2020). Le Patrimoine sarde en français et en ligne: le discours touristique, du papier au numérique. In: Pano Alamán Ana;Zotti Valeria. (a cura di): Pano AlamánAna;Zotti Valeria, The Language of Art and Cultural Heritage: A Plurilingual and Digital Perspective. p. 234-247, ISBN: 978-1-5275-4567-0

- Devilla L, Porquier R (2019). Vendredi Plurilingue. COSMO, vol. 14, p. 285-301, ISSN: 2281-6658, doi: 10.13135/2281-6658/3439

- Devilla, Lorenzo (2018). Analisi del discorso turistico: le guide turistiche contemporanee francesi sulla Sardegna. In: Baumann Tania (dir.), Reisefuhrer-Sprach-und KulturmittlungimTourismus. Le guide turistiche- mediazione linguistica e culturale in ambito turistico, p. 71-86. Bern: Peter lang. ISBN: 978-3-0343-3402-0, doi: 10.3726/b14846

- Devilla, Lorenzo (2018). La banlieue parisienne au cinéma. Contacts de langues et mises en scènes identitaires dans les pratiques langagières de filles. In: Françoise Gadet (dir.), Les Métropoles francophones européennes en temps de globalisation, p. 93-110, Paris: Classiques Garnier. ISBN: 978-2-406-08516-4, doi: 10.15122/isbn.978-2-406-08518-8.p.0093

- Devilla, L., VENAILLE, Caroline Marie Perrine (2018). Presse en ligne francophone. Un événement, un texte source, plusieurs versions locales.. In: Barthelmebs H. Komur G. Lopez-Muñoz J-M Marnette S. & L. Rosier (dir.), Le Discours rapporté : Temporalité, histoire, mémoire et patrimoine discursif, p. 217-231, Paris: Classiques Garnier, ISBN: 978-2-406-07427-4, doi: 10.15122/isbn.978-2-406-07427-4




Elisabetta Gola

Università degli Studi di Cagliari


Elisabetta Gola is Full Professor of Philosophy of Language at the  Dept. of Pedagogy, Psychology, Philosophy (University of Cagliari),  where she teaches numerous courses about communication (scientific writing, social media writing, public speaking, digital media  communication).

Her research interests are focused on cognitive semantics and  computational linguistics, with with a particular emphasis on metaphors.

She is author, co-author and editor of numerous papers and book, about  metaphors, artificial intelligence, communication in different fields  (health, public speaking, education, cultural heritage promotion).

Together with Francesca Ervas is editor of the collected books  "Metaphor and Communication" (John Benjamins, Amsterdam, 2016) and "Metaphor in focus: an interdisciplinary perspective" (Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Cambridge, 2013). 




María Isabel González Rey

Universidade Santiago de Compostela


Professor of French Language at the University of Santiago de Compostela (USC), in Spain, María Isabel González Rey teaches in the Faculty of Humanities at the Lugo Campus and her research focuses on phraseology, with special dedication to the field of Phraseodidactics and Phraseotraductology. She directs the Phraseonet research group (, the journal Cadernos de Fraseoloxía Galega, now in its 24nd issue, and the Fraseoloxía Galega project at the Centro de Investigacións para as Humanidades Ramón Piñeiro, a centre belonging to the Xunta de Galicia. Her scientific production includes around a hundred publications, with 6 books, 12 book editions, 10 journal issues, 41 book chapters and 31 articles. But her relevance stands out above all for the reprinting of a book which is already a reference in the field of phraseology, La Phraséologie du français ( 2002), which is now in its third edition (2021), under the name La Nouvelle Phraséologie du français, published by the Publication Service of the University of Toulouse (France). Her scientific contributions are also related to the direction of regional and national projects, linked to phraseology and phraseology, and to the organisation of numerous scientific meetings. The research carried out so far has culminated in the creation of a totally innovative phraseodidactic method with RPI (intellectual property registration) shared between 6 universities, the DVD Phraséotext I- Le Français idiomatique (français-français), published in 2015 by the Audiovisual Service of the University of Santiago de Compostela, which has now a second part, the DVD Nouveau Phraséotext II - Le Français idiomatique (français-espagnol), a phraseotranslation method based on new methodological guidelines (2023).



Micaela Rossi

Université de Gênes

Micaela Rossi  teaches French language and translation at the University of Genoa. Her research interests focus on the creation and use of metaphorically-based terms in specialised discourses. Her publications include "In rure alieno. Métaphores et termes nomades dans les langues de spécialité", Peter Lang, 2015.




Gerard J. Steen

Universiteit van Amsterdam


Gerard J. Steen is Emeritus Professor of Language and Communication ('Taalbeheersing') in the Department of Dutch Studies at the University of Amsterdam. He previously held chairs at VU University Amsterdam in Language and Communication (2013-2014) and in Language Use and Cognition (2007-2013).

Steen is the founder of the Pragglejaz Group, which developed the metaphor identification procedure MIP (Full article: MIP: A Method for Identifying Metaphorically Used Words in Discourse (, which he then elaborated into MIPVU with his own research group (A Method for Linguistic Metaphor Identification: From MIP to MIPVU | Gerard J. Steen, Aletta G. Dorst, J. Berenike Herrmann, Anna A. Kaal, Tina Krennmayr and Tryntje Pasma ( This method has recently been discussed with references to many languages across the world in Metaphor Identification in Multiple Languages: MIPVU around the world | Edited by Susan Nacey, Aletta G. Dorst, Tina Krennmayr and W. Gudrun Reijnierse (

Steen founded and directed the Metaphor Lab Amsterdam for over ten years, and organized many conferences and post-graduate schools and workshops on metaphor. His latest work has focused on developing a new model for metaphor comprehension in Deliberate Metaphor Theory (Slowing Metaphor Down: Elaborating Deliberate Metaphor Theory | Gerard J. Steen (, see also Frontiers | Thinking by metaphor, fast and slow: Deliberate Metaphor Theory offers a new model for metaphor and its comprehension ( This work is now being expanded into a new method for analysis of metaphor in language use.


Mark Turner

Case Western Reserve University


Mark Turner is a cognitive scientist, linguist, and author. He is Institute Professor and Professor of Cognitive Science at Case Western Reserve University. He has won an Anneliese Maier Research Prize from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (2015) and a Grand Prix (Prix du Rayonnement de la langue et de la littérature françaises) from the French Academy (1996) for his work in these fields.Turner and Gilles Fauconnier founded the theory of conceptual blending, presented in textbooks and encyclopedias. Turner is also the director of the Cognitive Science Network (CSN) and co-director of the Distributed Little Red Hen Lab. 



Maurizio Trifone

Università degli Studi di Cagliari


Maurizio Trifone is full professor of Italian language at the University of Cagliari. From 1995 to 2005 he was professor of Lexicography and Lexicology at the Foreigners University of Siena.

Previously, he was lexicographer and etymologist at the Institute of the Italian Encyclopedia Treccani.

He has led research about Italian linguistic history from the Middle Ages to the present day.

He has authored Il Devoto-Oli dei sinonimi e contrari, a dictionary of synonyms and antonyms published by Le Monnier in 2013. Together with Luca Serianni he is in charge of the Vocabolario della lingua Italiana Il Devoto-Oli.

From 2000 to 2005 he was director of the Language Centre at the Foreigners University of Siena and he held training courses for Italian teachers in many countries around the world.

He has created Affresco Italiano, an Italian language course for foreigners in 6 volumes (from A1 to C2 levels).

Since 2006 he is the editor of the magazine «Letterature straniere &» (Foreign Literatures &).

Main works

Aspetti linguistici della marginalità nella periferia romana, Annali dell'Università per stranieri di Perugia (supplemento al n. 18), Guerra Edizioni, Perugia, 1993, pp. 207

Ordine analogico e retrodatazioni. A proposito del «Vocabolario Nomenclatore» di Palmiro Premoli, in «Nuovi Annali della Facoltà di Magistero dell’Università di Messina», 12 (1994), pp. 135–236

Le carte di Battista Frangipane (1471-1500), nobile romano e mercante di campagna, Universitätsverlag C. Winter, Heidelberg, 1998, pp. 531 (Collana Studia Romanica, vol. n. 93)

Lingua e società nella Roma rinascimentale. I. Testi e scriventi, Franco Cesati Editore, Firenze, 1999, pp. 717

Carte mercantili a Roma tra ’400 e ’500, Betti Editrice, Siena, 2003, pp. 238

Il linguaggio burocratico, in Lingua e identità. Una storia sociale dell’italiano, a cura di Pietro Trifone, Roma, Carocci, 2006, pp. 213-240

“Carbonaio” è una parola di alto uso? Riflessioni sul “Vocabolario di base” e sul “Dizionario di base della lingua italiana”, in «Studi di Lessicografia italiana», XXIV (2007), pp. 265–300

(con Antonella Filippone e Andreina Sgaglione) Affresco italiano. Corso di lingua italiana per stranieri, 6 voll. (livelli A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2), Le Monnier-Mondadori, Firenze-Milano, 2007-2012

Il Devoto-Oli 2014. Vocabolario della lingua italiana, a cura di Luca Serianni e Maurizio Trifone, Le Monnier-Mondadori, Firenze-Milano, 2013, pp. 3227

Il Devoto-Oli dei Sinonimi e Contrari. Con analoghi, generici, specifici, inversi e gradazioni semantiche, Le Monnier-Mondadori, Firenze-Milano, 2013, pp. 1536






Julie Abbou

Université de Turin

Julie Abbou est enseignante-chercheuse (RtdB) en linguistique française à l’Université de Turin. Elle conduit des analyses socio-discursives et sociolinguistiques des dynamiques sociales (identités, catégorisations sociales, performances) et des cultures politiques (idéologies, axiologies) pour comprendre les fondements discursifs et idéologiques de l'action sociale. Ses travaux ont été publié dans diverses revues telles que Semen, Mots, AAD, Langue Française, etc.


Laura Amigot Castillo

Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Laura Amigot Castillo es profesoraayudantedoctora del Departamento de FilologíaAlemana y FilologíaEslava de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid (España). Sus líneas de investigación son la fraseologíapragmática, incluyendoelestudio del desacuerdo, y la lingüística contrastiva para el par de lenguasespañol y alemán.


Rhama Barbara

Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University of Fès

Vice-Doyenne à la Recherche Scientifique et à la Coopération, Faculté des Lettres et des Sciences Humaines Université Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah de Fès, Maroc. Professeure de l’enseignement supérieur au Département de Langue et de Littérature Françaises (spécialité linguistique), Directrice du Laboratoire SLLACH Sciences du langage, Littérature, Art, Communication et Histoire. Domaines de recherche : linguistique du corpus, linguistique arabe et française, parémiologie linguistique, dialectologie et langues du Maroc s’inscrivant dans différentes approches comme la linguistique théorique, contrastive et descriptive et la sociolinguistique. Auteure de livres et d’une kyrielle d’articles dans des revues de renom et de plusieurs communications présentées dans des rencontres scientifiques nationales et internationales. Coordinatrice et membre du comité d’organisation et du comité scientifique de plusieurs colloques nationaux et internationaux. Co-fondatrice de la revue Langue, culture et société LACUS. Membre du comité scientifique du réseau AFRICAPPS the African Proverbs and Phraseology Society. Vice-Présidente du Réseau International POCLANDE, Populations, Cultures, Langues et Développement.


Yves Bardière

Université Grenoble Alpes

Yves Bardière est professeur émérite des universités, rattaché au laboratoire LIDILEM de l’Université Grenoble Alpes. Après seize ans dans la Marine Nationale, où il a été habilité «confidentiel défense» et décoré de la médaille d’or de la Défense nationale, il a été nommé directeur scientifique de la certification de Compétences en Langues de l’Enseignement Supérieur (CLES). Ses domaines de recherche: la linguistique anglaise, l’anglais de spécialité en contexte naval et l’évaluation en langues.  


Tania Baumann

Universität Sassari

Dr. Tania Baumann ist Dozentin für germanistische Linguistik und Übersetzungswissenschaft an der Universität Sassari. Ihre Forschungsinteressen liegen in den Bereichen der Textlinguistik, kontrastiven Textologie, Textsemiotik, besonders angewandt auf den Kommunikationsbereich Tourismus, sowie der Übersetzungskritik (Alltagstexte und literarische Texte). In jüngerer Zeit sind auch Phraseologie und Metaphern in den Interessensfokusgerückt, besonders in Verbindungmit der Medienlinguistik.



Abdelilah Benthami

Université Abdelmalek Essaadi de Tétouan

Mr Abdelilah Benthami, professeur de l'enseignement supérieur à l'universitaire Abdelmalek Essaadi de Tétouan. Sociolinguiste, Didacticien et Traductologue, professeur vacataire à la faculté des lettres et de philologie de Cadix en Espagne et à Aix-en-Provence en France. Membre du comité scientifique dans des revues et des rencontres nationales et internationales.



Houda Bouhlou

Université Chouaib Doukkali d’El Jadida

Enseignante-chercheuse à la Faculté des Sciences Juridiques, Economiques et Sociales d’El Jadida (UCD-Maroc). Docteure en Représentations (inter)culturelles : langue, littérature et art (UCD -Maroc) et en Sciences de l’Education (UHA-France). Membre permanent du Laboratoire de Recherche En Gestion, Economie et Sciences Sociales (LARGESS-Maroc) et membre associé au Laboratoire d’Etudes et de Recherches sur l’Interculturel (LERIC-Maroc). Les travaux de Houda BOUHLOU portent sur l’enseignement des langues étrangères et des Soft Skills via les technologies numériques.


Sara Manuela Cacioppo

Université de Palerme

Doctorante en Sciences Humaines - Linguistique et Traduction Française (SSD L-LIN/04), Université de Palerme en cotutelle avec Aix-Marseille Université. Directeur de thèse : Prof. Antonino Velez. Codirecteur : Prof.ssa Sophie Saffi. Traductrice littéraire (membre de Strade - Traduttori editoriali). Elle a publié des articles dans des revues et des volumes et traduit plusieurs monographies. Elle a participé à de nombreuses colloques internationales. Elle est membre de projets de recherche internationaux. Domaines de recherche : traductologie, lexicologie, didactique de la langue française, études de genre, corpus de bandes dessinées.


Arianna Careddu

Università degli Studi di Cagliari

Dottoranda in Filosofia del Linguaggio presso l’Università di Cagliari sotto la supervisione della prof.ssa Elisabetta Gola. Nel 2023 ho curato il volume Media, linguaggi, comunicazione: scenari del presente e del futuro (UnicaPress). Ho recentemente partecipato a due conferenze sull’uso delle metafore multimodali nella comunicazione inclusiva e nella comunicazione dell’Antropocene e ho tenuto diversi seminari presso la Universiteit van Amsterdam.


Hassan Chbani

CRMEF Béni-Mellal Khénifra, National Education Minestry

Professeur formateur au Centre Régional des Métiers de l'Enseignement et de la Formation Béni Mellal – Département Langue française. Membre de l’Equipe de Recherche Langues, Didactique et Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication (LanDiTIC) au CRMEF de Béni Mellal. Domaines de recherche : Dialectologie et langues du Maroc, phraséologie, linguistique et didactique du français, intégration des Tic dans l’enseignement des langues. Auteur d’articles dans des revues de renom et de plusieurs communications présentées dans des rencontres scientifiques nationales et internationales. Coordinateur et membre du comité d’organisation et du comité scientifique de plusieurs évènements nationaux et internationaux.


Irene Cosa

Università degli Studi di Cagliari

Laurea Triennale in Lingue e Comunicazione presso l’Università degli Studi di Cagliari con una tesi di laurea sui domini d’uso del patois e dell’inglese. Nel 2023, Laurea Magistrale in Filosofia e Teorie della Comunicazione presso l’Università degli Studi di Cagliari con una tesi sperimentale sulla metafora e l’ingiustizia ermeneutica nel disturbo narcisistico di personalità.



Paola Cotta Ramusino

Università degli Studi di Milano

Paola Maria Cotta Ramusino è professoressa ordinaria di Slavistica presso l’Università degli Studi di Milano. La sua ricerca si svolge nell’ambito della linguistica russa e slava. In particolare, ha dedicato le sue pubblicazioni alla morfosintassi della lingua russa e di altre lingue slave, alla fraseologia, in ottica sincronica e storica, entro la cornice teorica della grammatica delle costruzioni. 

Fra le pubblicaizoni si possono ricordare: 

Dire la Rivoluzione. Lessico e fraseologia nel decennio postrivoluzionario. Mimesis edizioni 2018.

(con Fabio Mollica), Contrastive phraseology: preliminary remarks, in (Paola Cotta Ramusino, Fabio Mollica eds.), Contrastive Phraseology. Languages and Cultures in Comparison, Cambridge Scholars 2020, 

“Zakon zakonom, a žizn’ diktuet svoe”: the function in discourse of the construction [X1–X1om, a/no], Russkij jazyk v naučnom osveščenii, 2022/2,


Can Denizci

Université Dokuz Eylül d’Izmir

Can Denizci a été diplômé du lycée français Saint-Joseph d’Istanbul en 1997. Il a fait ses études de licence à l’Université Technique d’Istanbul sur l’ingénierie mécanique (1997-2003). Par la suite, il a changé de discipline en complétant son master (2003-2008) et son doctorat (2009-2015) sur la didactique du FLE. La thèse de doctorat qu’il a soutenue était intitulée Utilisation des gestes coverbaux en classe de FLE. Le domaine principal de ses recherches concerne la gestuelle des enseignant.e.s en classe de FLE. Pourtant, il rédige aussi des articles divers sur l’analyse du discours et le discours littéraire.

Actuellement, M. Denizci est maître de conférences adjoint à la Faculté d’Éducation de Buca de l’Université Dokuz Eylul à Izmir. Avant d’intégrer l’Université Dokuz Eylul, il a été en poste dans le département du FLE de l’Université d’Istanbul-Cerrahpasa (2010-2020).



Giovanni Dotoli

University of Bari Aldo Moro

Già professore ordinario di Lingua e Letteratura francese all’Università di Bari Aldo Moro, è professore emerito di Letteratura francese e conferenziere ai Cours de Civilisation française de la Sorbonne, a  Parigi. Autore di più di mille pubblicazioni, di cui oltre quattrocento volumi,  e direttore di numerose collane e riviste scientifiche nazionali e  internazionali, Visiting professor all’University of Chicago, all’École Normale Supérieure di Parigi e alle università di Arras e di Cagliari, è stato Pro Rettore vicario della sua università, componente del direttivo del Pen Club francese e Presidente dell’Association internationale des Études françaises (Parigi). È Commendatore della Legion d’Onore e Commendatore nell’Ordine delle Palme Accademiche del Governo francese, per alti meriti scientifici e culturali.

Le sue ricerche principali riguardano: il socialismo in Francia nel XIX secolo, la pace, la democrazia, la libertà, l’uguaglianza, il testo per il popolo, Villon, Montaigne, Mareschal, Mairet, Pascal, Furetière,  Pinot Duclos, Hugo, Baudelaire, Flaubert, Banville, Rimbaud, Bloy, Zola, Apollinaire, Canudo, Cocteau, Bonnefoy, Meschonnic, Gramsci, T. Fiore, il dizionario, la lingua francese, la grammatica, la poesia, la letteratura, la musica, la francofonia, il viaggio in Italia, la  bellezza, la traduzione, l’origine delle lingue, l’esempio, la frase, la cultura francese dal XVI al XXI secolo, l’arte, il libro, la Tour Eiffel.

Poeta di lingua italiana e di lingua francese, è tradotto in diverse lingue straniere. Sulla sua poesia sono stati organizzati diversi convegni internazionali.  Il prossimo convegno si svolgerà negli USA.

Ha ricevuto numerosi premi, tra cui il Grand Prix de Versailles, il Prix européen « Léopold Sédar Senghor », il Prix Dante per l’opera completa e il Prix Pascal Bonetti della Société des Poètes français.



Ahmed Elyaagoubi

Université Sultan Moulay Slimane

Enseignant-chercheur de Langue Française et Communication à l’Ecole Supérieure de Technologie-Khénifra, relevant de l’université Sultan Moulay Slimane, membre du Laboratoire LRALLARC. Parmi ses axes de recherches: l’Analyse du discours politique et médiatique, la didactique du FLE et la question de l’interculturalité dans le domaine littéraire et éducatif.


Francesca Ervas

Università degli Studi di Cagliari

Francesca Ervas è Professoressa associata in Filosofia del linguaggio presso l’Università di Cagliari, dove insegna Teoria dei linguaggi e della comunicazione.
Si è laureata in Filosofia presso l’Università di Padova e ha conseguito il dottorato di ricerca in Filosofia e Teoria delle scienze umane presso l’Università Roma Tre. È stata postdoc presso l’Università Roma Tre, lo University College di Londra, l’Ecole Normale Supérieure di Parigi e l’Università di Cagliari. Più recentemente è stata Fellow del Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities and the Social Sciences di Amsterdam.


Izabela Dixon

Koszalin University of Technology

Dixon Izabela, Assistant Professor at Koszalin University of Technology, specialises in cognitive linguistics, (comparative) phraseology, (comparative) paremiology, and discourse analysis. Her academic interests revolve within the linguo-cultural studies, and she has published in the areas of cognitive linguistics, ethnolinguistics, comparative phraseology and paremiology as well as political discourse.


Anamaria Gebăilă

Università di Bucarest

Anamaria Gebăilă è Professore Associato di lingua e linguistica italiana presso la Facoltà di Lingue e Letterature Straniere dell’Università di Bucarest. Si è addottorata con una tesi di semantica contrastiva in ambito romanzo incentrata sulla sinestesia. I suoi interessi di ricerca, di stampo sincronico e contrastivo, si concentrano sulla semantica, sulla stilistica, sull’analisi del discorso politico e sulla traduttologia.


Chiara Astrid Gebbia

University of Norway

Chiara Astrid Gebbia received a PhD in Linguistics from the Universities of Palermo, Italy. Her main research interests cover the application of metaphor research to translation, second language acquisition and corpus linguistics. She is currently a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Agder (Norway) where she is investigating the way metaphors structure cognitive models of translation.


Anna Godzich

Università Adam Mickiewicz di Poznań

Anna Godzich laureata in Lingue e Letterature Straniere presso l’Università Adam Mickiewicz di Poznań, ha conseguito il titolo di dottore di ricerca in Linguistica italiana presso la stessa Università (2013). Lavora come ricercatrice presso il Dipartimento di Linguistica Italiana dell’Università Adam Mickiewicz di Poznań. I suoi principali interessi scientifici comprendono: la linguistica culturale e cognitiva, la semantica e la linguistica comparativa.


Alice Guerrieri

University of Cagliari

Alice Guerrieri holds a degree in Art History and a Ph.D. in Philosophy, Epistemology, and History of Culture. As a contract lecturer, she teaches Digital Storytelling and Theory of Languages and Communication in the Department of Education, Psychology, and Philosophy at the University of Cagliari. Her recent publications focus on multimodal communication, metaphorical language in the artistic domain, and visual storytelling on the cultural heritage of Sardini


Lucienne Huby

Università degli Studi di Cagliari

Sono una dottoranda in Filosofia, Epistemologia e Scienze Umane presso l’Università di Cagliari. Il mio progetto di ricerca per il dottorato è dedicato all’analisi del ruolo della memoria nella produzione di metafore nel caso della malattia mentale, con un focus specifico in persone con schizofrenia. Il mio lavoro si inserisce all’interno del progetto PRIN PNRR su “Metafora e ingiustizia epistemica nella malattia mentale” in collaborazione con le Università di Messina e Chieti.


Esra Kanli

Ege University

Esra Kanli is an assistant professor at Ege University, Department of Special Education. She specializes in Gifted Education and her research interests include gifted education, creativity, the assessment of creativity, scientific creativity, and curriculum design in gifted education. She has actively contributed to the gifted education field with multiple publications.


Heidi Klockmann

University of Norway

Heidi Klockmann received a PhD in linguistics from the University of Utrecht in the Netherlands. Her research interests lie within the Generative approach to syntax, where she investigates questions of category with semi-lexical elements such as numerals and quantificational nouns in pseudopartitives. She is currently an associate professor at the University of Agder in Norway.


Christine Konecny

Universität Innsbruck

Assoziierte Professorin für italienische Sprachwissenschaft am Institut für Romanistik der Universität Innsbruck. Leiterin von und Beteiligte an mehreren phraseologischen Forschungsprojekten, Co-Autorin eines aufgaben orientierten und zugleich korpus basierten phraseodidaktischen Lehrwerks für den schulischen und universitären Italienischunterricht und Beiratsmitglied der Europäischen Gesellschaft für Phraseologie (EUROPHRAS).


Irene Koutroubi

University of Athens

Graduated in Italian Language and Literature from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens with honors, she obtained a Master of Arts in "Digital Humanities" at Linnaeus University in Sweden. She is currently a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Athens, conducting contrastive research on Digital Paremiology and Political Discourse in three languages: Italian, Greek, and English. She serves as the Administrator of the Italian Archaeological School in Athens, participating in projects organized by the Italian institution. Additionally, she is an editor secretary for the Rivista di Letteratura comparata italiana, bizantina e neoellenica, directed by Professor Gerasimos Zoras, Fabrizio Serra Editore. Fluent in five languages—Greek, Italian, English, French, and German—she has presented her work as a speaker at international linguistics and literature conferences and has published articles in Italian journals(


Justyna Łukaszewicz

Università di Breslavia

Justyna Łukaszewicz, Professore in Scienze Umanistiche, dirige la Sezione di Italianistica presso il Dipartimento di Lingue e Letterature Romanze dell’Università di Breslavia in Polonia, dove insegna lingua, letteratura e traduzione italiana, ed è a capo della rivista d’italianistica Italica Wratislaviensia. Ha pubblicato numerosi lavori di letteratura comparata e traduttologia, dedicati soprattutto alle strategie di traduttori e ai paratesti di traduzioni dal Settecento fino ai nostri giorni.



Emma Lupano

University of Cagliari

Emma Lupano is Associate Professor of Chinese Language and Culture at the University of Cagliari. Her research focuses on the cultural and political aspects of contemporary China and their linguistic manifestations, especially in the institutional and the media discourses. Blending Ethnography, Applied Linguistics, Genre Analysis and Translation Studies approaches, her works have investigated professional ethics, LSP in Chinese journalism; keywords in Chinese public discourse; and genres in Chinese news writing.


Stefania Maci

University of Bergamo

STEFANIA M. MACI (PhD, Lancaster University, UK) is Full Professor of English Language at the University of Bergamo, where she is Coordinator of the MA in Digital Humanities, Director of the Research Centre on Specialised Languages, and Scientific Coordinator of the Research Group on Digital Humanities. She is also member of CLAVIER (The Corpus and Language Variation in English Research Group), BAAL (British Association of Applied Linguistics), AELINCO (Spanish Association of Applied Linguistics). She served on the executive board of AIA (Associazione Italiana di Anglistica 2019-2023) and she is now serving on the executive board of CADAAD (Critical Approaches to Discourse Analysis across Disciplines)

Her research is focussed on the study of the English language in academic and professional contexts, with particular regard to the analysis of tourism and medical discourses.

Recent publications include: the monographs Evidentiality in the genre of medical posters (2022 – Peter Lang); English Tourism Discourse (2020 - Hoepli); and The MS Digby 133 Mary Magdalene (2017); the co-edited volumes; the co-edited volumes The Routledge Handbook of Discourse and Disinformation (2023 – Routledge); The Routledge Handbook of Scientific Communication (2022 - Routledge); and the papers: “Data triangulation using Sketch Engine and WMatrix: Ketogenic diet on Twitter” (2022); “The narrative of the anti-vax campaign on Twitter” (2021); and “Parents’ narrative about congenital heart diseases” (2019).


Ana Belen Mansilla Pérez

Universidad de Murcia

Ana Mansilla Pérez es Profesora Titular del Departamento de Traducción e Interpretación en la Universidad de Murcia (España). Licenciada por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid y doctora en Filología Alemana por la Universidad de Valencia. Su tesis versa sobre literatura alemana y música. Sus líneas de investigación giran en torno a la lingüística cognitiva, lingüística de corpus y fraseología contrastiva (alemán-español). Desde el año 2007 forma parte del proyecto de investigación nacional FRASESPAL (Fraseología del Español y del Alemán) y ha publicado en colaboración con miembros del proyecto un diccionario idiomático Idiomatik Deutsch-Spanisch (2013) y varias monografías sobre fraseología, fraseografía y traducción. Actualmente forma parte del proyecto interuniversitario CONSTRIDIOMS (Gramática de Construcciones y Fraseología: construcciones fraseológicas del alemán y español en contraste a través de los corpus), liderado por Carmen Mellado Blanco de la Universidad de Santiago de Compostela (España).



Elvira Manero Richard

Universidad de Murcia       

Elvira Manero Richard es profesora contratada doctora del Departamento de Lengua Española y Lingüística General de la Universidad de Murcia (España). Sus líneas de investigación son la fraseología y la paremiología desde una perspectiva pragmático-discursiva, así como el estudio del humor verbal y el desacuerdo en español.



Maria Antonietta Marongiu

University of Cagliari

Maria Antonietta Marongiu has a Ph.D. in Applied Linguistics from the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, IL, USA, and  a master degree in Foreign Languages from the University of Bologna. She presently teaches courses of English for Specialised Purposes at the Faculty of Economic, Legal, and Political Sciences of the University of Cagliari and at the Faculty of Political, Economic and Social Sciences of the University of Milan. Her main research interest and publications are in the fields of sociolinguistics, ESP, discourse analysis, gender analysis and in corpus linguistics.



Luis Meneses Lerín

University of Artois

Luis Meneses Lerín est maître de conférences à l’Université d’Artois. Il y enseigne la linguistique générale, la linguistique de corpus, la syntaxe, la sémantique et la pragmatique. Il est membre permanant de l’UR 4521 Grammatica et s’intéresse à la combinatoire, la phraséologie et les collocations. Ses travaux portent sur le français et l’espagnol du Mexique. Il a publié et dirigé plusieurs travaux sur la phraséologie, la linguistique de corpus et la lexicographie.


Nicla Mercurio

Université de Sassari

Docteure de recherche en « Eurolangages et terminologies spécialisées », elle est enseignantechercheuse en langue française à l’Université de Sassari dans le cadre du projet « Plurilinguisme, patrimoine culturel et développement durable ». Ses recherches portent sur la terminologie, le discours publicitaire et touristique ainsi que sur les représentations linguistiques dans une perspective d’analyse du discours multimodale et numérique.


Amel Mesli

Higher School of Management of Tlemcen

Amel Mesli est Docteure en littérature, elle est Maître de conférences HDR à l’Ecole Supérieure de Management de Tlemcen en Algérie.Elle enseigne également le FLE à l’Institut françaisdepuis 2016 à nos jours. Elle mène des recherches essentiellement sur le rapport entre la société et la fiction des productions littéraires. Elle s’intéresse également aux thèmes qui tournent autour de la littérature migrante, la littérature de l’exil et de l’interculturel.



Georgia Milioni

University of Athens

Giorgia Milioni is Associate Professor of Italian as a Foreign Language at the Department of Italian Language and Literature of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (Greece).  She holds a Bachelor in Paedagogy (Universitàdegli Studi di Perugia) and Master’s degree in Didactics of Italian as a Foreign Language (Università per Stranieri di Perugia). She holds a PhD from the Department of Italian Language and Literature of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. Her research fields and interests focus on Italian language study and teaching, on language acquisition/language learning, on special languages and specialised vocabularies within the Italian language, on a comparative approach between Italian and Greek phraseology/paroemiology. She has many years of teaching experience (2002-2023) and an international presence with significant participation in conferences, public lectures in Greece and abroad. Original independent studies of hers have been published in foreign and Greek academic journals, collective volumes and conference proceedings. Moreover, she is the author of a monograph and three textbooks.



Denise Milizia

University of Bari Aldo Moro

Denise Milizia is Associate Professor at the Department of Political Science at the University of Bari Aldo Moro. Her research interests are in the field of ESP, Corpus Linguistics, political phraseology in American, British and Italian cultures, and legal phraseology, in particular in European documents. She has published several works in which she analyses the relationship between the UK and the European Union, with a special focus on the role of metaphor in European politics. Her most recent interests lie in the study of the new crises, in particular the covid-19 pandemic and the climate change and the global warming challenge, both in Europe and in the U.S. Her recent publications include “Britain was already cherry-picking from the European tree without bothering to water the soil or tend to its branches”. A metaphorical study of the UK in Europe (International Journal of Language and Politics, 2023), Framing the pandemic in the UK and in the US: the war, the science and the herd (Textus, 2023), and Climate Change and Global Warming: An American Perspective through the Lenses of Old and New Modes of Communication (Anglistica, AION 2023). She has recently edited The European Union between the pandemic, new crises and future perspectives (LED, 2023) and Communicating (about) COVID-19: Lessons from Corpus Linguistics and Critical Discourse Analysis (Iperstoria, 2024).  She is co-editor of the international journal ESP Across Cultures.


Sayf Mohamed

University of Lille

Sayf Mohamed, PhD in English Linguistics (University of Lille, France), is an Assistant Professor in English Language and Linguistics at the University of Cergy Paris. He is a former SUSI scholar and his research interests lie in discourse analysis, cognitive linguistics, news representation and metaphors.


Fabio Mollica

Università degli Studi di Milano

Fabio Mollica è professore associato di Lingua e Linguistica tedesca presso l’Università degli Studi di Milano. Si occupa prevalentemente di sintassi (Grammatica della Valenza e Construction Grammar), fraseologia, linguistica cognitiva e lessicografia. Insieme a Carmen Mellado Blanco è co-editor della rivista Yearbook of Phraseology.


David Nicoletti

Università degli Studi Roma Tre

David Nicoletti sta redigendo una tesi su Meccanismi di formazione e uso dei verbi nei linguaggi istituzionali. Verbi analitici e sintetici a confronto presso il Dottorato in Linguistica in convenzione tra Sapienza Università di Roma e Università degli Studi Roma Tre. Collabora, inoltre, con l'Università di Salerno nell'ambito del progetto PRIN dal titolo VerbAcxSs: on analyticverbs, complexity, syntheticverbs, and simplification for accessibility.


Francesca Panajo

Universidad de Nápoles“Parthenope”

Francesca Panajo es doctoranda en “Studi linguisitici, terminologici e interculturali” por la Universidad de Nápoles “Parthenope”. Es miembro de la Associazione Italiana di Studi Iberoamericani (AISI) y ha publicadoartículossobrelasestructurasdifrásticas en lengua náhuatl y la didáctica de la lengua españolaenfocada en la perspectiva de la gramáticametaoperacional. Ha participado en congresos sobre pragmática, espacio y cuerpo en la literatura hispanoamericana y discurso de odio y traducción.


María Carmen Parra Simόn

Université d’Alicante

Docteure en Linguistique appliquée à l’enseignement de la langue et de la littérature française, spécialiste en phraséologie. Professeure à l’Université d’Alicante dans la Licence en Traduction et Interprétariat et dans le Master d’Enseignement du FLE, j’ai deux lignes de travail bien différenciées: la phraséologie et la phraséodidactique.



Elena Pepponi

Università degli Studi di Cagliari

Elena Pepponi consegue la Laurea magistrale in Linguistica all’Università di Padova e il Dottorato in Studilinguistici e letterari all’Università di Udine. Dopo un assegno a Firenze, è attualmente assegnista di ricercapresso l’Università di Cagliari nel progetto PRIN PNRR LisDiGio, nonché docente a contratto pressol’Università di Bergamo e la SSML Ciels di Brescia. Si è occupata e si occupa di comunicazione istituzionale,lingue speciali, lingua della comunità LGBTQIA+, lessicografia digitale e corpora.



Patrizia Piredda

Oxford University

Dr Patrizia Piredda, MA (Arts), MA (Philosophy), MLitt (Modern languages), and PhD (Modern Languages). Her research interests focus on the investigation of metaphor in thought and literary representations from the perspective of the Philosophy of Language. She has published scientific articles on Wittgenstein, Nietzsche, Pirandello, D’Annunzio, Savinio, Levi, Calvino, utopias and dystopias. In the last years, she published articles about war metaphors in the media and political discourse on Covid-19 and the epistemological role of metaphor in Quantum Mechanics.



Alessio Pisci

University of Cagliari

From 2008 to 2012, Alessio taught English L2 and Italian L2 at the Universidad Industrial de Santander (Bucaramanga, Colombia). Since joining the University of Cagliari in 2014, he has been teaching EFL and has been involved in studies related to comparative literature (‘iThentic’ writing [PhD thesis, 2017], historical metafiction and Zombie Studies), as well as discourse analysis, English historical linguistics, multilingualism and teaching methodology in ESL.



Flavia Pompeo

University of Rome ‘La Sapienza'

Flavia Pompeo is presently Associate Professor in Historical and General Linguistics at the Department of Letters and modern Cultures (Dipartimento di Lettere e culture moderne), University of Rome ‘La Sapienza'. Her research interests focus on historical linguistics, historical sociolinguistics and cognitive linguistics, and, in particular, on topics regarding the morphosyntax and semantics of Ancient Greek and of Old Iranian languages.


Anna Pompei

Università degli Studi Roma Tre

Anna Pompei è docente di Glottologia e Linguistica presso l’Università degli Studi Roma Tre. Si sta attualmente occupando di verbi supporto nelle lingue classiche e nelle lingue romanze, con particolare riguardo all’italiano. In questo ambito ha pubblicato due volumi (Verbi supporto. Fenomeni e teorie e Light Verb Constructionsas Complex Verbs rispettivamente per i tipi di Lincom Europa e Mouton de Gruyter).



Alba Quintairos-Soliño

Universidade de Vigo

Doctora en Traducción & Paratraducción por la Universidade de Vigo (España) con una tesis sobre la traducción de la relación texto-imagen en el manga. Especialista en Fraseología gracias a una beca de investigación en el proyecto de fraseología galleta del Centro Ramón Piñeiro para a Investigación en Humanidades y miembro de los grupos de investigación FRASEONET (U. de Santiago de Compostela) y BIFEGA (U. de Vigo).




Driss Rabih

Université Sultan Moulay Slimane

Je suis professeur des sciences du langage à l’ENS, Université Sultan Moulay Slimane, Béni Mellal, Maroc. J’ai obtenu un master en sciences du langage (M1 et M1) à Paris 3 - sorbonne nouvelle- et un master (M1 et M2) de la linguistique berbère à l’INALCO, Paris. En 2022, j’ai soutenu ma thèse de doctorat en Sciences du Langage : didactique et linguistique. INALCO, Paris, sur le figement lexical en berbère : étude thématique et sémantico-syntaxique des expressions idiomatiques, le cas du parler Ayt mad UƐisa, Maroc central. La majorité de mes travaux porte sur la phraséologie berbère (description, corpus, dimensions appliquées).



Yassin Razkaoui

Abdelmalek Essaâdi University

Enseignant chercheur à la faculté des sciences et techniques de Tanger/Département: Langues et compétences transversales. Docteur en littérature française francophone et comparée. Habilitation universitaire en Langue française et Communication. Auteur de plusieurs articles scientifiques notamment :

-La culture le laisser passer de la publicité.

-Pourquoi la compétence culturelle jouit -elle d'une grande importance dans l'enseignement d'une langue étrangère.

-La dialectique de la mondialisation et des identités culturelles locales.



Alec M. Sánchez Montero

National Autonomous University of Mexico

Alec M. Sánchez Montero is a student of the Master's degree in Applied Linguistics at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) and a member of the Linguistic Engineering Group (GIL) of the same institution. He obtained his Bachelor's degree in Spanish Language and Literature with honors from the University of Guanajuato in Mexico. He is currently conducting research on metaphor automatic processing in Mexican Spanish.



Laura Santini

University of Genoa

Laura Santini, (MRes, PhD), is currently a tenure-track Assistant Professor. Her research interests span various areas of both English linguistics (theories and techniques of translation; metaphor studies; eco-linguistics; terminology; ESP and Academic English) and literature in English, i.e., contemporary British literature (H. Pinter, S. Beckett, J. Winterson), North American fiction (D. Coupland, J. Egan), and electronic literature (e-pistolarity; interactive fiction IF and text adventures). Recent publications include: Traduzione e Intermedialità nella prosa breve di Samuel Beckett: ‘Imagination morte imaginez’ e ‘Assez’, (Foreword by S. E. Gontarski), Onorati editore, Roma 2020; ‘Conceptual metaphors, Geography, Literature, and the Implications on the In-place or Out-of-place of People and Actions’ (Quaderni del CIRM 1, 2021); ‘On Translation, Hospitality and Language Indifference’ (Lingue Scritture Potere, GUP 2022) co-authored with L. Polezzi; ‘Reframing: parole composte e social media’ (Quaderni del CIRM 3, 2023).



Saulė Petronienė

University of Lithuania

Kaunas University of Technology 

Saulė Juzelėnienė holds a PhD in humanities and is Professor at Kaunas University of Technology, Institute of Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities. She has experience in working in the regional and international projects. She is Principal Investigator in Translation and Language Studies Research Group. Her scientific interests are in linguistics, including translation studies, semiotics of advertising, cognitive linguistics, semantics, pragmatics. She is a member of the Lithuanian Association of Applied Linguistics,  and Association for Researching and Applying Metaphor (RaAm).


Saulutė Juzelėnienė

University of Lithuania

Kaunas University of Technology 

Saulė Petronienė holds a PhD in humanities and is a professor and the head of Foreign Language Centre at Kaunas University of Technology, Faculty of Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities. Her research interests cover applied linguistics, communication and discourse analysis. She has been teaching at KTU since 1999 and is currently leading BA, MA and PhD language and communication courses. She is a member of the Lithuanian Association of Applied Linguistics, the Association for Researching and Applying Metaphor (RaAm). She is also running informal language courses and lifelong education programmes.



Maria Cristina Secci

Università degli Studi di Cagliari

M. Cristina Secci è professore associato di Lingua Spagnola e Traduzione presso il Dipartimento di Lettere, Lingue e Beni Culturali dell’Università di Cagliari. Ha tradotto autori ispanoamericani, tra i quali Juan Villoro,  Roger Bartra e Marco Antonio Campos. È autrice delle monografie: “Con la imagen en elespejo. El autorretratoliterario de Frida Kahlo” (UniversidadNacionalAutónoma de México, 2009, 2018);  “La realidadsegúnyo la veo”: la ley de Jorge Ibargüengoitia” (La Rana/Universidad de Guanajuato, 2013); “Eva Mameli Calvino. Gli anni cubani (1920-1925)” (Franco Angeli, 2017; Universidad de Sevilla, 2020). Coordina Aulas Abiertas Seminario permanente di studi linguistici e letterari su America Latina e Caraibi e la Cátedra «Jorge Ibargüengoitia» de Literatura, UNICA-Universidad de Guanajuato, Messico. Dirige la collana Tertulias nella sezione Ricerca di UNICApress e Dédalos per la casa editrice Gran Vía. Coordina la Cátedra «Jorge Ibargüengoitia» de Literatura, UNICA-Universidad de Guanajuato, Messico.



Orges Selmani

University of Tirana

Orges Selmani has been a Lecturer at the Department of English, Faculty of Foreign Language, University of Tirana, since 2000. She is currently teaching Translation, Translation of Terminology and Simultaneous and Consecutive Interpreting to Bachelor and Master students. She holds a University degree as Translator and Interpreter, a Master’s Degree in Economic Terminology and a Doctorate from the Faculty of Foreign Languages. She has been specialized in Translation of Terminology and Intercultural Communication.


Violeta Shaba

University of Tirana

Violeta Shaba has been a lecturer at the Department of English, Faculty of Foreign Language, University of Tirana since 1998. She is currently teaching Lexicology, Text Analysis, Corrective Grammar and Intercultural Education to Bachelor and Master students. Her area of expertise includes Phraseology and Grammar.
She holds a Master’s Degree and a Doctoral Degree in Lexicology/Phraseology awarded by the Faculty of Foreign Languages, University of Tirana, Albania.



Ilana Shiloh

Academic Center of Law and Business Ramat Gan

Ilana Shiloh received her Ph.D. in American literature from Tel Aviv University, where she taught in the Department of English.  She is the author of Paul Auster and Postmodern Quest: On the Road to Nowhere (Peter Lang, 2002), and of The Double, the Labyrinth and the Locked Room: Metaphors of Paradox in Crime Fiction and Film (Peter Lang, 2010). She has published a wide range of articles on contemporary fiction and the interface of literature and language and her fields of interest are postmodernism, philosophy and the study of metaphor.



Cinzia Spinzi

University of Bergamo

Cinzia Spinzi is Associate Professor at the University of Bergamo. She holds a PhD in English for Specific Purposes, a Master’s in Translation Studies from the University of Birmingham, and a Research Fellowship from the City University of London. Her research activity and major publications lie in Language Mediation, Cross-cultural communication and Translation, with a particular focus on the translation of tourism, accessibility and metaphors. She is member of the Research Centre on Languages for Specific Purposes (Cerlis) and of the EU funded Project TTRAILs on teaching and training in the field of Language for Specific Purposes. She is co-editor of an international journal Cultus: the journal of Intercultural Mediation and Communication.


Daša Stanič

Università di Lubiana

Daša Stanič, lettrice di lingua italiana presso la Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia dell'Università di Lubiana, Slovenia, si dedica come docente principalmente alla morfologia e sintassi della lingua italiana e alla didattica dell'italiano come L2/LS. I suoi interessi di ricerca riguardano la fraseologia, la linguistica cognitiva e la didattica dell'italiano L2/LS.



Aleksandra Stavtceva

Universität Bielefeld

She graduated from Irkutsk State Linguistic University in Irkutsk, Russia where she obtained a (specialist) diploma with honors with the specialty “Philology” and the qualification of “a Teacher of English and German” in the year 1999. In 2006, she completed a Ph.D. in Germanic Philology. Due to some private reasons she had to move to Germany where she obtained a master’s degree in British and American Studies at Bielefeld University (2022). She is currently employed as a Teacher of English by ESTA Berufskolleg (Vocational School) in Detmold, Germany.



Aneta Stojić

Universität Rijeka

Ordentliche Professorin an der Abteilung für Germanistik der Philosophischen Fakultät der Universität Rijeka. Leiterin des Lehrstuhls für germanistische Sprachwissenschaft. Leiterin des von der Kroatischen Forschungsstiftung geförderten Projekts „Metaphorische Kollokationen – syntagmatische Wortverbindungen zwischen Semantik und Pragmatik“ sowie des von der Forschungsstiftung der Universität Rijeka geförderten Projekts „Kontrastierung von Kollokationen im Kroatischen, Deutschen und Englischen“.



Irine Thomières  Shakhovskaya

Sorbonne Université

Professor in Russian Linguistics since 2006 at University La Sorbonne, I am mainly interested in lexical semantics. My main areas of research are perception, cause and events. My approach is formal and it is based on the work of Zellig Harris. I have organized several International Conferences on Perception and Causality and several Symposiums on Telicity, Intensity, Agentivity and the notion of Event. I am the author of several dozen articles.



Elżbieta Tomasi-Kapral

Universität Łódź

Elżbieta Tomasi-Kapral, Dr.,ist Germanistin und Literaturwissenschaftlerin, Mitarbeiterin am Institut für Germanistik der Universität Łódź (Polen). Zu ihren wichtigsten Arbeitsschwerpunkten gehört die DDR-Literatur und die Literatur nach der politischen Wende des Jahres 1989 sowie die engagierte zeitgenössische Literatur. Darüber hinaus beschäftigt sie sich mit Fremdsprachendidaktik (Deutsch und Italienisch) und Literaturdidaktik (auch in Bezug auf den DaF-Unterricht).



Zehra Topal Altindiş

Instanbul University

Zehra Topal Altindiş is a teacher specializing in gifted education and is currently pursuing her doctoral studies in the Department of Gifted Education at Istanbul University-Cerrahpaşa. Her research interests include creativity, the assessment of creativity, and differentiation practices for gifted students within the classroom. She has presented papers at national and international conferences and has articles published in various national and international journals.


Harald Ulland

University of Bergen

Harald Ulland, associate professor emeritus at the University of Bergen, Norway. Head of the Department of Romance languages 1996-1998 and Head of Studies at the Department of Foreign Languages 2007-2011. Main research interests: French language, lexicology, (comparative) phraseology, (comparative) paremiology, corpus linguistics.


Alessandra Zurolo

Universität Neapel „Federico II“

Alessandra Zurolo ist wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin (Ricercatrice a Tempo Determinato di tipo A) für deutsche Sprachwissenschaft an der Universität Neapel „Federico II“, wo sie 2020 in „Mind, Gender and Language“ promovierte. Ihre Dissertation wurde 2020 in der Reihe „Forum für Fachsprachenforschung“ des Verlags Frank & Timme unter dem Titel „Deutsche medizinische Lehrtexte. Eine diachrone perspektive“ veröffentlicht. Ihre Forschungsinteresse und Publikationen fokussieren auf diachrone und synchrone Fachtextsortenlinguistik sowie konzeptuelle Metaphernanalyse.



Mirjam Weder

University of Basel

Dr. Mirjam Weder is a lecturer for German Linguistics at the Department of Languages and Literatures at the University of Basel. Her research is dedicated to corpus linguistic investigations of multiword units in various genres, the acquisition and use of multiword units in writing.