Set of photographs #8

Commentary from Participant

First of all, I am not a good photographer. These pictures are really bad.

1. This is my classroom. I teach German. I teach German here. I used to teach in Germany.

When I came to Northern Ireland, I quickly realised how much I missed teaching. This is the first day after summer with a very dodgy feeling after covid. With masks and everything. I probably spend more time here than at home (the classroom).

I have a very dodgy feeling because of Covid. I spend more time in the classroom than at home. The worst part is that there is a window at the back, but I can’t see the sky. That is why the rest of the pictures are outside.

2. 3. The second photograph is at the sea. It is where I live. One of my favourite pastimes is paddle boarding. I discovered it by chance, like a lot of things in my life. It is my way to relax. When it is exam time, I am lucky that I live by the sea. The house is rented; in Germany, it is okay not to own the house. I am okay with it. It is a different culture in Germany.

In the top picture, the seals you may be seeing are my friends. I used to have pets in Germany. My partner doesn’t like dogs. In Germany, in Eastern Germany, religion was almost banned. I don’t believe in religion. But nature is about God, there is a sense of spiritual connection.

Next is the paddleboards. When the job becomes demanding, there is always pressure, but this is not about teaching.

4.This is a little calendar. I got it from a friend. This is a little saying, translated from German - 'there is an art in little things’. I think as a person I am quite content. Today I woke up, and through the window, I saw snow and I was like a child. And little things make me very happy.

5.The next picture, it is the sea again. It is by Groomsport and Donaghadee, the sea has a healing power for me. In Germany, the sea was 600 kilometres away. It is never tiring, and the beauty of this country is so much. Loads of lovely sunsets.

6.There is another sunset, that is out of the front window of the house.

7. The food is that reminds me of home and reminds me of my mother and grandmother. I was in a bakery in Newtownards; I saw this pastry. It is a long one, with top and bottom and with cream [like British eclairs]. I don’t miss things from Germany, but from time to time, I miss the food.

Tess, ‘It gets to the deepest of our senses. That is how you access memory through the senses.’

8.The next one is a boat; it is maybe a symbol of friendship. The group of friends I made here. I really bonded with my elderly neighbour. And she and I sailed on that boat. Her husband made it. She thought I could do it and I said that I don’t know. The new friends and old friends are important.

9. Tomatoes; my parents are very much into gardening. I never liked it. But now I somehow like the idea and I have become like my mum. I have a little greenhouse. This year it has improved but last year it was not that good and we have started allotment together with my friend, building together, grown so many things together raised beds and it was quite fun. I hated it when my parents did, but when I started now, I had the knowledge, and it came back to me. It reminds me of my roots. I learned a lot, I was not aware of what I knew.

10.This is my sewing machine. I learned it from my grandmother. There were not many resources at that time and if you wanted something trendy then you had to create it yourself. Here I made some masks and I like to take small projects. I like to be creative because I have to use my brain so much at work.

11.Next is a tub, it is German mustard. Nothing tops it.

12.This is a holy well. We didn’t go on a holiday in summer. The well is on the coast in Co Down, near Portaferry. People go there for healing water and for pilgrimage. Whenever we go there is no one there. And it is peaceful.

13. The ‘E’ says that this is the most eastern part of Ireland. For me coming from eastern Germany, there is a little bit of connection for me.

14. ‘Slow down’. That you should do. That life is, it is already so hectic, the school has already started, so demanding. So slow down. Children are even so stressed. We haven’t heard the word ‘stress’ when I was a child, I tell my students.

15.I sometimes do what I should not do, I feed the seagulls.

16.This is a picture of the famous Harland and Woolf cranes in Belfast docks cranes; it was a German company. Only for my dad, I have no desire to go back. I like Belfast. But when I see certain things, like the cranes, I am reminded of my roots. I trained as a qualified guide. Design tours and do training. I thought to do a course outside of school, but it was very demanding.

17. This is another view of the well. It is a tradition there, leave pieces there. If there is a life before this one, I have definitely lived in Ireland.

18. Stone is sometimes in your way. That day I took the picture, it was warm, and I stood on the cool stones. When I came here. I had to learn the hard way, it took me quite a few years to get back on my feet. But everything happened as it should. Even in my private life, I never regretted that I made the decision. My partner is very supportive, and I met him here.

19. This is the fruit of my work. The carrot came from my garden – it is a funny shape, it has three roots. It is maybe connected with the Trinity.