Set of photographs #30

Commentary from Participant

Photo 1 Doll’s House – Participant #33 choose this photo as her brother made it and it is very important to her mum.

Photo 2 Goal Posts – Participant #33 explained that this is where her nieces would play. They enjoy football. Participant #33 also highlighted that the photograph was important to her mum.

Photo 3 – Picture of front Door of her brothers house. Her brother lives very close to her mum’s house.

Photo 4 – Picture of Participant #33’s bed. Participant #33 likes to lie on her bed.

Photo 5 Clock – Had a discussion on telling the time. How younger people are not so familiar with analogue clock. Tess highlighted about the 11+ transfer test and how people received a gift of a watch for passing the test. Tess stated that she had struggled to tell the time and also with tying her laces.

Discussion arose on School Systems – expectations

Photo of trees – Participant #33 explained the trees were just up the road from her home. Discussion about appreciating what you have at home, where you live. Tess noted that Nature was also a similar theme across the women with First Steps Women’s Centre but also across the PhotoVoice project.

Photo of FSWC Minibus – Participant #33 explained that she attends FSWC a number of times per week. She tells of how Franco comes out to pick her up and brings her to the Centre and also takes her and other women and children home.

Tess enquired if Participant #33 felt she belonged at FSWC. Participant #33 replied with a resounding “YES!”

Photo of Round Tables in FSWC Centre – Participant #33 explained that this was where she is taught Literacy with Michael Murphy. Discussion on how a number of migrant women also attended this class. Participant #33 stated that she likes connecting with people from different cultures.

Photo of Newell Stores – Participant #33 stated that this is her local shop for getting groceries. Participant #33 goes to the store with her mum on a regular basis.

Tess spoke of Participant #33’s photos to “opening your eyes to the place you live in”. Tess spoke about the trees, nature and rivers. Tess spoke of nature being a “Consolation” when you live in a city where it can be difficult to find a green space – how a park can make a difference in your life.

Arrival of another Participant – Syrian woman and a refugee now living in Dungannon for past 3 years.

This Participant spoke about her story. She told the other students that she tries not to be sad for the sake of her children. She explained that she was unable to continue with her studies because of the war in Syria. She explained how “things are better”. She has learned English at First Steps Women’s Centre and also at SW College. She told the group that she has completed 4 levels of English in 3 years and that she is now qualified as an Interepter. She stated that “I have to speak English to help me settle in”.

Tess explained that the English language is a very irregular language. People also want to hold on to their own culture.

Tess spoke about Afghanistan where recently girls were told that they couldn’t go back to school when they had been told that they could.

The Participant informed the group that Syrian children were missing out on learning to read and write in Arabic, their home language. She said that the children can understand and speak Arabic but our illiterate because there is no one to teach them reading and writing.

Discussion on Further Education – the Participant said she would like to do Computer Programming. Tess gave an insight into the variety of courses and levels available through QUB.

Tess spoke about a Bursary in memory of her mother. Tesss spoke about how her mum had said “I don’t care what you do as long as you get your wee bit of paper” demonstrating how high a value she placed on education, especially for people who did not come from a rich background.