About the conference

Each learning experience below is crafted to juxtapose strong pedagogy with technology. Sessions will share the best teaching practices, research-based strategies, and innovative technology trends such as makerspaces, breakouts, classroom design, and more.

My Sessions

Adaptive teaching is bringing a spark back into the classroom and completely innovating the way we approach education. Join me in a discussion about how educators can become more adaptive, and therefore more effective in their teaching practices.

Personalized learning is a term being used to describe those classrooms where engagement and purpose are part of the fabric of the classroom. Come learn how to create personalized learning environments in the classroom.

The concept of blended learning has been around since the 1960s. Today we continue to expand and improve on its methodologies. Come learn how to incorporate blended learning successfully into teaching.

Gamification has emerged as an innovative teaching-learning strategy that researchers have shown to be effective in improving student learning outcomes. Come learn how gamification can be used in your classroom.

Build an understanding of how badges can empower your teachers. Learn how to create and use them to amplify the performance of your faculty.

Adopt a new professional learning model and transform adult learning experiences! In this participatory session, explore the value of each model and discover what it takes to implement innovative professional learning.

about me

Diana currently serves as a Director of Professional Development for the Texas Computer Education Association (TCEA). In her role, she offers engaging staff development on the most current technology trends for educators of all levels. She utilizes her background in both education and technology to skillfully facilitate various trainings and presentations.

Diana is a Google Certified Educator, a Microsoft Innovative Educator, and an Certified Online Instructor. She has led many trainings and presentations at various conferences, including TCEA, ASCD, Texas CTO Summit, and ISTE. Diana was recognized as the 2014 Texas Technology Administrator of the Year.