Week 3

Sending out a newsletter to keep participants informed. As you SLOW CHAT you can reflect on your book study participation so far and make connections to others on Twitter or Facebook.

ILN update week 3 of book study.pdf

Start by reading Chapter 5 and 6.

Then join into the conversation about instructional strategies and time management either in the Shared Google Doc space AND/OR on Twitter.

This week there will be a SLOW CHAT on Twitter with one new prompt each day. The prompts are posted here so you can prepare or reflect on each 'tweet' - in 140 characters or less. Remember to use the hashtag #ILNBookStudy and include @InclusiveLN in the tweets.

Twitter Prompt #1

Identify one 'aha' or insight gained from chapter 5. Using the student identified themes for delivering instruction found in Table 5-1 pg 87, what element(s) can you change in your teaching strategies that apply suggested UDL guidelines?

Twitter Prompt #2

When you deliver online course content, flipped classroom tasks or virtual snow day content, what instructional strategies can you use that will reduce barriers for students? How do these instructional strategies compare to those outlined in Table 5-1 page 87-88? How could your teaching adjust to the strategies in chapter 5.

Twitter Prompt #3

What UDL guidelines and ideas could you integrate into your teaching to impact the variables that affect time management for your students? (see Table 6-1)

Image: "This may take some time and effort" flickr photo by laurakgibbs https://flickr.com/photos/38299630@N05/20592854792 shared under a Creative Commons (BY-NC-SA) license

Twitter Prompt #4

Reflect on the notion of 'flow' and analyze this through a UDL lens. How can you create a similar experience for your students?

Create and share a meme for your key ideas about flow.

Learn more about FLOW - watch this Ted Talk by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi.

Here's a collection of the memes created for this week's final slow chat prompt - using Storify to pull the 'story' together.