
  Publications and preprints

 22On the self-similarity of the norm one group of p-adic division algebras,
            with Francesco Noseda, submittedarxiv  

 21.  Frattini-injectivity and maximal pro-p Galois groups,
            with Slobodan Tanushevski, submittedarxiv  

       20Frattini-resistant direct products of pro-p groups,
          with Slobodan Tanushevski,  Journal of Algebra 622 (2023), 351-365,  arxiv        published v.

  19.  On pro-p groups with quadratic cohomology,
          with Claudio Quadrelli and Matteo Vannacci,  Journal of Algebra 612 (2022), 636-690,    arxiv    published v.

 18.  Right-angled Artin pro-p groups,
        with Pavel Zalesskii, Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society 54 (2022), 1904 - 1922,  arxiv   published v.

  17.  On hereditarily self-similar p-adic analytic pro-p groups,
          with Francesco Noseda, Groups, Geometry, and Dynamics 16 (2022), 85–114.   arxiv         published v.

   16.  Retracts of free groups and a question of Bergman,
          with Slobodan Tanushevski and Pavel Zalesskii, International Mathematics Research Notices 2022 (2022), 8280–8294. 
         arxiv         published v.

  15.  On the self-similarity index of p-adic analytic pro-p groups,
          with Francesco Noseda, Journal of Group Theory 25 (2022), 433–445.   arxiv         published v.

  14.  Index-stable compact p-adic analytic groups,
          with Francesco Noseda and Appendix by Jean-Pierre Serre, Archiv der Mathematik, 116 (2021), 153–160.  arxiv                 published v.

  13. On self-similarity of p-adic analytic pro-p groups of small dimension,
        with Francesco Noseda, Journal of Algebra 540 (2019), 317–345.  arxiv         published v.

 12. Test Elements: From Pro-p to Discrete Groups,
        with Slobodan Tanushevski, In: Groups St Andrews 2017 in Birmingham. Proceedings of Groups St Andrews 2017.
        Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (2019), 486–501.      published v.

 11. Asymptotic density of test elements in free groups and surface groups,
        with Slobodan Tanushevski, International Mathematics Research Notices 2017 (2017), 5577–5590.  arxiv         published v.

 10. Products of test elements of free factors of a free group,
        with Slobodan Tanushevski, Journal of Algebra 474 (2017), 271–287.     published v.

 9. Test elements in pro-p groups with applications in discrete groups,
      with Slobodan Tanushevski, Israel Journal of Mathematics 219 (2017), 783–816.   arxiv         published v.

 8.  Uncountably many non-commensurable finitely presented pro-p groups,
      Journal of Group Theory 19 (2016), 515–521.  arxiv         published v.

7.  Subgroup properties of Demushkin groups,
      with Pavel Zalesskii, Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 160 (2016), 1–9.     published v.

 6.  Finite p–groups all of whose d-generated subgroups are powerful,
      Journal of Algebra 422 (2015), 633–647.     published v.

5.  Subgroup properties of pro-p extensions of centralizers
      with Pavel Zalesskii, Selecta Mathematica 20 (2014), 465–489.  arxiv         published v.

4.  A characterization of uniform pro-p groups,
      with Benjamin Klopsch, Quarterly Journal of Mathematics 65 (2014), 1277–1291.  arxiv         published v.

3.  Normal zeta functions of some pro-p groups
      Communications in Algebra 39 (2011), 3969–3980.     published v.

2.  Pro-p groups with constant generating number on open subgroups,
      with Benjamin Klopsch, Journal of Algebra 331 (2011), 263–270.      arxiv         published v.

1.  Pro-p groups of rank 3 and the question of Iwasawa,
      Archiv der Mathematik 92 (2009), 19–25.     published v.