
I am an Associate Professor at the Institute of Mathematics of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. Before coming to Rio I was a postdoctoral fellow at University of Brasília and Visiting Assistant Professor at University of Virginia. I completed my PhD at Binghamton University (State University of New York) in December 2009. From March  2018 to January 2020 I was Alexander von Humboldt experienced research fellow at Heinrich Heine  University  Düsseldorf.

Primarily, my research interests are in the theory of profinite groups and geometric group theory, and their interactions with geometry and algebraic number theory.

Fascinated by the impact that Artificial Intelligence and Data Science have on all aspects of life, my goal is to delve into the world of Machine Learning and Data Science and develop strong skills in these areas.

email: ilir[at]im[dot]ufrj[dot]br

   Research Interests