My Old Texture Maps

This is a small gallery of texture maps I've published in the Planet Texture Maps Wiki in 2018. These maps aren't that good, as 2018 was my first year making texture maps. All texture maps are licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.

A fictional map of Orcus. This is the first texture map I uploaded to the wiki in March 2018. If I remember correctly, I mixed a fictional map of Charon with a fictional map of Ariel and colored it purple to make this map.

This map of Jupiter was based on Redshift's old Jupiter texture, hence why it is stretched. Created in June 2018.

A map of Neptune based on Redshift's old Neptune texture. Back then, I didn't know how to decode the texture files, so the only way for me to recreate the texture maps is by warping screenshots into a sphere and stitching them. Also created in June 2018.

Unbeknownst to me, this texture map and probably the Jupiter map is what awarded me a "golden earth award" in the wiki.