Texture Maps & Renders

This is a gallery where some of the texture maps are displated on a computer screen instead of being displayed in an image file. If you stumbled upon here and are confused, you can return to this page for the actual texture maps.

Painted heightmap for Mimas.

Older map of Jupiter for the Voyager 1 flyby movie.

Old maps of Uranus, Neptune, and Triton. The Uranus map above has been reused and recolored for the new Voyager 2 Uranus flyby movie.

Map of Rhea used for the Voyager 1 Saturn flyby movie.

Map of Titan made by Don Davis.

Map of Saturn made by Don Davis. This texture maps still exists, however it's brightly yellow and Don Davis has painted a storm or two on it. The only remnant of this map is on the southern hemisphere.

And some renders.

This image above is actually from the JPL Space simulator FAQ.

Here's another gallery of maps that are instead displayed as an image file. It might be possible for Jim Blinn to recover older maps, but he doesn't know how.

Map of Europa.

Older map for Ganymede. Used for some of the Voyager animations.

Map of Jupiter.

Map of Io.

Maps of Earth, Moon, and Mars for the Mechanical Universe intro. The moon map was reused for Miranda, the moon of Uranus.

Map of Mimas.