Welcome to my website!

About me!

Hello, I'm ILikeSaturn, and I like Saturn! I mainly create texture maps, and I have been doing that since 2018. Besides that, I also sometimes like to create add-ons for Celestia and I like to make short 3D animations of space missions and the planets in general. Before my account was created in 2018, I was obsessed with space, and I watched animations about the Solar System and its planets. I also watched the Voyager flyby animations in 2017 and met a person, who has since deleted their account, that recreated them. They were my inspiration for recreating the Voyager animations in Celestia.

Also in 2018, I joined the Planet Texture Maps Wiki. The first map I uploaded was a texture map of Orcus, and I made it in PS Touch. Although it doesn't look great nowadays, it still reminds me of my first time joining there and it is the first texture map I've released to the public. I'm now an admin of the wiki and the only "active" user there as of now.


I'm really hoping that all of the data used in the animations produced by the JPL Computer Graphics Lab gets released next year so I can recreate the Voyager and Pioneer animations. I just hope so.

My accounts