Climate change

attribution, impacts, adaptation, and Policy

(selected papers; a full list of publications is available in my CV)

extreme event impact Attribution

Extreme Events Impact Attribution: A State of the Art. w/ Dáithí Stone and Tomáš Uher. Cell Reports: Sustainability (2024).

Climate Change, Hurricanes, and Sovereign Debt in the Caribbean Basin. w/ Eduardo Cavallo, Santiago Gómez, and Eric Strobl. Inter-American Development Bank Working Paper IDB-WP-1551 (2024).

The Costs of Inaction: Calculating climate change-related loss and damage from extreme weather in Small Island Developing States. w/ Vikrant Panwar, Emily Wilkinson, and Jack Corbett. Overseas Development Institute Working Paper (2023).

The Global Climate-Change-Attributed Costs of Extreme Weather. w/ Rebecca Newman. Nature Communications (2023).

Social Inequalities in Climate Change-Attributed Impacts of Hurricane Harvey. w/ Kevin Smiley, David Frame, Michael Wehner, Christopher Sampson, and Oliver Wing. Nature Communications (2022).

Extreme Weather Event Attribution: Science and the People. w/ John McClure, Yoshi Kashima, and Taciano Milfont. Climatic Change (2022). 

The Economic Costs of Hurricane Harvey Attributable to Climate Change. w/ David Frame, Michael Wehner, and Suzanne Rosier. Climatic Change (2020).

Climate change attribution and the economic costs of extreme weather events: a study on damages from extreme rainfall and drought.” w/ David Frame, Suzanne Rosier, Luke Harrington, Trevor Carey-Smith, Sarah Sparrow, Dáithí Stone, and Sam Dean. Climatic Change (2020).

climate change Impacts 

The impact of ocean warming on selected commercial fisheries in New Zealand. w/ Hanny John Mediodia and Viktoria Kahui. Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics (2024).

Climate Changes Affect Human Capital. w/ Germán Caruso and Inés de Marcos. Economics of Disasters and Climate Change (2024).

Rising Temperature and Rural Household Consumption: Evidence From Longitudinal Data in Colombia. w/ Cristhian Prieto and Yu-Wei Luke Chu (2023).

Sea Surface Temperature and Tuna Catch in the Eastern Pacific Ocean under Climate Change. w/ Hanny John Mediodia and Viktoria Kahui. Marine Resource Economics (2023).

Projecting the effect of climate change-induced increases in extreme rainfall on residential property damages: A case study from New Zealand. w/ Jacob Pástor Paz, Isabelle Sin, Abha Sood, David Fleming-Munoz, and Sally Owen. Journal of Environmental Management (2020).

Who Cares? Future Sea-Level-Rise and House Prices. w/ Olga Filippova, Cuong Nguyen and Michael Rehm. Land Economics (2020).

Household Vulnerability on the Frontline of Climate Change in Tuvalu. w/ Tauisi Taupo and Harold Cuffe. Environmental Economics and Policy Studies (2018). 

The Socio-Economics of Cyclones. Nature Climate Change (2016).


Heterogenous Mental Health Impacts of a Forced Relocation: The Red Zone in Christchurch after Its 2011 Earthquake. w/ Thoa Hoang and Van Thinh Le (2024).

Insurance Retreat in Residential Properties from Future Sea Level Rise in Aotearoa New Zealand. w/ Belinda Storey, Sally Owen, and Christian Zammit. Climatic Change (2024).

The Income Consequences of Managed Retreat. w/ Thoa Hoang. Regional Science and Urban Economics (2023).

Past experience of drought, drought risk perception, and sustainable climate adaptation policies for farmers in New Zealand. w/ Thi Mui Nguyen and Philip Stahlmann-Brown. Environmental Hazards (2023).

Climate Change, Migration and Voice. w/ Michel Beine and Chris Parsons. Climatic Change (2021).

Wellbeing after a Managed Retreat: Observations from a Large New Zealand Program. w/ Thoa Hoang. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction (2020).

Paying a Price of Climate Change: Who Pays for Managed Retreats?. Current Climate Change Reports (2020).

Insurance as a Response to Loss and Damage? w/ JoAnne Linnerooth-Bayer, Swenja Surminski, Laurens M. Bouwer, and Reinhard Mechler. Book Chapter (2018). 

To Leave or not to Leave? Climate Change, Exit, and Voice on a Pacific Island. CESifo Economic Studies (2017).


Event Attribution is Ready to Inform Loss and Damage Negotiations. w/ Michael Wehner, et al. Nature Climate Change (2023).

Economists are not engaged enough with the IPCC. npj Climate Action (2023).

Report of the Expert Working Group on Managed Retreat: A Proposed System for Te Hekenga Rauora/Planned Relocation. w/ Terence Arnold et al. Report published by the Ministry for the Environment New Zealand (2023).

Could Financial Disclosures Curb Climate Change? w/ Samuel Becher. The Regulatory Review (2023).

Photo: Jellyfish in the harbour of Te Whanganui a Tara - Wellington, Aotearoa New Zealand