Instructions for


Instructions for Participants (non-presenters)

This symposium will be held online using Zoom.


1. Registration is free of charge, and access to the online talks can be obtained by filling out the form at

2. Registration must be completed by September 10, 2021.

3. The meeting URL will be notified by the meeting secretariat a few days before the symposium starts.

Materials to Share

4. Some speakers have posted their materials on the symposium website for viewing only (not for downloading or

5. Some speakers may share downloadable materials in the chat window during their presentations.

Upon Joining the Zoom Meeting

6. When joining the Zoom meeting of the symposium, please set your Zoom Display Name as “First Name, Last
Name, (Affiliation)”, e.g. [Masatoshi Koizumi (Tohoku U)].

7. The video camera must be turned off and the microphone muted at all times, except when you are allowed to speak
in Q&A sessions.

During Presentations

8. Presentation time is as follows:

Keynote speech: 45 minutes for presentation, 13 minutes for Q&A

General presentations: 20 minutes for presentation, 8 minutes for Q&A

9. Please post all questions and comments, to "everyone" (not just the presenter or the moderator), in the chat window

during presentations.

Q&A Sessions

10. During Q&A sessions, you may use Japanese in addition to English if the presenter speaks Japanese.

11. The presenter will answer (some of) the questions and comments posted in the chat window.

12. If you would like to speak in response to the presenter’s answer, please “raise your hand” using the Reactions
feature in Zoom.

13. Do not speak until you have been designated by the moderator.

Recording and Webcasting

13. The symposium will be recorded, and the presentations (excluding Q&As) will be made available on the
symposium website for viewing only (no downloading) for one week after the symposium.

14. The Q&A sessions will also be recorded for convenience, but will not be webcast later.