Help Page

New? Here's a tour:

Up at the top, or the 3 lines next to the key symbol if you are using a tablet, all the pages and websites that you might want to use are there:


Home is the home page, I don't think it needs any more explaining than that


Training is where the things you have to do for that week will be displayed. Nothing will be deleted so you can look back at what you have done.


Thinking about playing some orienteering games? This is a list of all the online ones we could find and the links to them.


Events are games that we have made or the lockdown orienteering events that are on almost every week.

INVOC Talons Website:

This is a Website which Rona Laird made for the talons.

INVOC Website:

Links to the INVOC website.

Have you spotted any mispellings, do you want to add or change something? Then use this google form to suggest the change or report the bug!

Lockdown Orienteering Website:

This is a link to the Official Lock Down Orienteering Website (OLDOW) where we found all the games on and it hosted the JK this year. Enter the competitions because there is an almost 100% guarantee that you will race against world class orienteers.

INVOC Songs:

Some funny remixes of popular songs for INVOC. Find this in the footer at the bottom.