Special Session on Computational Intelligence and Software Engineering

Call for Papers

The goal of this special session is to foster the integration between SE and AI communities to improve research results, teaching and mentoring, and ultimately industrial practice.

Topics of interest include but are not limited to:

  • AI techniques and approaches for:

    • optimization, transformation and configuration management

    • software reuse, evolution, maintenance and refactoring

    • mining software repositories and categorization

    • reverse engineering and program comprehension

    • concurrent/parallel software development and maintenance

    • ontology and other semantic aspects in software engineering

    • business process management and business rules

    • aspect mining and pattern mining

    • cost analysis and risk assessment in software projects

    • model-driven development, domain modeling and software language engineering (e.g., DSL)

    • rapid prototyping

  • Software Modeling techniques for explainable AI

  • Tools for combining AI and SE

  • Industrial Case Studies in SE Intelligence

  • Benchmarks for SE Intelligence

  • Intelligent Software Bots

  • Intelligent agent-based software engineering

  • Object-oriented and aspect-oriented approaches to implement and validate AI techniques and systems

  • Formal methods for AI techniques

  • AI for emerging paradigms and systems (e.g., big data, cloud computing and Internet of Things)

  • Software for knowledge acquisition and representation

  • Software metrics applied to AI techniques

  • Intelligent Search engines

  • User interfaces