Special Session on Computational Intelligence and Software Engineering

Authors' Guidelines

All submissions must be made electronically by February 10th, 2021, through the online submission system at this link.

Contributions MUST be in English and should be submitted in the form of a conference paper with references (max 8 pages).

At least three members of the program committee will review all submissions and will provide an evaluation according to the following criteria:

  • originality and novelty

  • quality and accuracy

  • relevance to the conference

  • impact in the fields of the conference

  • evidence (theoretical or empirical)

  • presentation and clarity

The authors of accepted abstracts will be asked to present their work at the Special Session.

The accepted papers will be available in IEEEXplore together with the proceedings of the whole IJCNN 2021.

To help ensure correct formatting, please use the style files for U.S. Letter Size found at the link below as templates for your submission.

These include LaTeX and Word.

Instruction for authors and templates for conference papers may be found here.

Manuscript Style Information

  • The paper size is U.S. letter size.

    • Use the U.S. letter size predefined by your word processor or typesetting software.

    • Do not manually set the paper size using mm or inch scale.

  • Only papers prepared in PDF format will be accepted.

  • Paper Length: Up to 8 pages, including figures, tables & references. At maximum, two additional pages are permitted with overlength page charge of US$125/page, to be paid during author registration.

  • Paper Formatting: double column, single spaced, #10 point Times Roman font.

  • Margins: Left, Right, and Bottom: 0.75" (19mm). The top margin must be 0.75" (19 mm), except for the title page where it must be 1" (25 mm).

  • No page numbers please. We will insert the page numbers for you.

  • Note: Violations of any of the above specifications may result in rejection of your paper.

  • All submitted papers will be checked for plagiarism through the IEEE CrossCheck system. Papers with significant overlap with the authors own papers or other papers will be rejected without review.

  • Important things to check before submission:

    • US letter paper (A4 and others not accepted).

    • 8 page limit (+2 with page charge).