
12:00AM - 12:50AM, UTC Keynote Presentation: Dr. Dursun Delen

Topic: Demystifying Data Science with a Potpourri of Real-world Cases

12:50AM - 1:00AM, UTC Break

1:00AM - 1:50AM, UTC Keynote Presentation: Dr. Kang Li

Topic: Biomedical Data Science in Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation: AI for Understanding Neuromusculoskeletal Disorder

1:50AM - 2:00AM, UTC Break

2:00AM - 3:00AM, UTC Poster Presentation and Competition

As the workshop is being hold virtually, all times are given in Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).

Corresponding times for world locations:

  • Eastern United States: UTC-5 (7 - 10pm Jan 6)

  • Central United States: UTC-6 (6 - 9pm Jan 6)

  • Pacific United States: UTC-8 (4 - 7pm Jan 6)

  • Western Europe: UTC+1 (1 - 4am Jan 7)

  • China Standard Time: UTC+8 (8 - 11am Jan 7)

  • Japan: UTC+9 (9am - 12pm Jan 7)