Intelligent Information Systems and Applications (IISA) Research Group


Welcome to our research group


The vision of IISA research group is to conduct and promote world-class research in the fields of Intelligent information systems for Smart Cities, Business Intelligence and cryptocurrency, Big data analytics for sustainable development and Information Security in Urban intelligence applications. This will help IISA to become one of the top research organizations in the area and internationally recognized.


The mission of the IISA research group is to serve the community through conducting high quality research, targeting innovations, disseminating research findings through training/ extension/ consultancy activities in the areas of intelligent information systems, business intelligence, operational research, big data analytics, information management, expert systems and applications, data processing, system analysis and design, and urban intelligence applications. The research group will facilitate access to interdisciplinary expertise in business information systems, information technology, information management, smart cities, and urban intelligence. In addition to increasing the collaboration opportunities with industry towards boosting the local economy.

INRodutory clip

IISA Video.mp4

 Table of Contents