
The workshop will be run as part of the 2023 ACM Conference on Human Information Interaction and Retrieval.

You do not have to have submitted a paper to participate in the workshop. The paper presentations are there to seed ideas for the whole group, but ample space is planned for informal presentations, group discussion and other activities. If you do not have time to make a formal proposal, you will still be able to present ideas and participate in discussion during the workshop.

The workshop will run in person in Austin on Sunday 19th March 2023

A more detailed programme is being finalised and should be available mid-February. In case of questions, email George Buchanan for more information.

Outline Program

  • Introductions and Overview

  • Keynote Talk

  • Morning Coffee

  • Plenary Discussion

  • Lunch

  • Talks

  • Afternoon Coffee

  • Talks

  • Closing Plenary

A presentation from the 2021 Workshop is available below.

IIRMetrics 2021 Vakkari.pdf