Research and Design Interest in iiiD-Lab

The inclusive inter-intelligence Design Lab (iiiD-Lab) leads the development of systems and technologies that embrace a spectrum of intelligences, spanning from human to artificial intelligence (AI). Comprising dedicated researchers and designers in Human-Computer Interaction, AI, Psychology, Social science and Design, we are committed to advancing these interdisciplinary fields.

iiiD-Lab focuses on developing technologies for inclusive digital health, creative team collaboration, improved human-AI interaction, and optimized user experience:

On one hand, iiiD-Lab's primary focus lies in designing AI-based tools like mediation chatbots to facilitate communication and collaboration among diverse stakeholders and client professionals, addressing the holistic needs of individuals, communities, and societies. Crafting AI interventions to address the unique healthcare challenges faced by marginalized communities demands a comprehensive understanding of their specific needs, barriers, and environments. Additionally, individuals often encounter difficulties when interacting and collaborating with healthcare professionals. Our interventions aim to enhance health literacy, accessibility, medication adherence, and communication and collaboration between healthcare providers and patients, thereby bridging the gap between marginalized groups and healthcare practitioners, ensuring better access to quality healthcare and improved health outcomes for all.

On the other hand, fostering collaboration among diverse stakeholders presents notable design challenges due to their differing objectives and constraints, often leading to conflicts. iiiD-Lab dives into design methodologies and tackles this challenge by developing artificial intelligence technology platforms that enhance interdisciplinary co-design capabilities, fostering inclusive and innovative collaboration. Furthermore, these innovative design methods and platforms hold the promise of introducing groundbreaking scientific approaches and tools to the field of design practice.
