

This has the exact same structure as ‘Monopoly’: Roll the dice and move your character…

Only this time YOU are the character!!


Everyone rolls the dice at the same time - either a real dice, or use an online version e.g.

Move yourself the number of space along the board – starting the game at ‘GO’

Once at your location perform the exercise on the board

Once you have completed the exercise roll the dice again and continue around the board

If you land in JAIL you must complete a wall sit for 30 seconds

Community Chest – Use the sheet (see below) and complete an activity

Chance card – you are sent to JAIL

The Train – This is ‘PLANK STATION’. Complete a plank for 1 minute

The lightbulb – This is time for a ‘bright idea’. Nominate another player to complete 10 reps in an exercise of your choice

Water works – Treat yourself to a 1 minute water break

Luxury Tax – Unfortunately you owe the bank $20 – deduct this from your overall total at the end


Play the game for 20-30 minutes

At each exercise you can decide to:

● RENT – 10 reps of the exercise - $20

● HOUSE – 12 reps of the exercise - $30

● HOTEL – 15 reps of the exercise - $40

Upon completing your exercise fill in your ‘BANK’ sheet as this will keep track of your money – see below individual sheets

If you return to an exercise you have previously completed either roll the dice again, or complete the exercise at a different level. E.g. I choose to ‘HOUSE’ attempt 1, but attempt 2 I shall ‘RENT’

(NB: Please change the reps depending on age and ability)

Every time you pass ‘GO’ you collect $200


Arm stretches - Leg stretches -

If you are unsure about any exercise type the name of the exercise into GOOGLE and it will demonstrate to you through pictures or YouTube videos the activity

INDIVIDUAL BANK CARDS – you can either print these or write directly into them (Excel document)

COMMUNITY CHEST – if you run out of community chest, you continue with your next roll

1. Select a song of your choice 2. Have an extra water break 3. Nominate someone to repeat their last exercise 4. Receive an extra $100 5. Have a minute rest and stretch 6. Nominate someone to have a drink 7. Send a person to Jail 8. Your luxury tax does not count 9. Change your lunges to a 30 second walk10. Rest Card 11. Select a song of your choice 12. Receive $50 13. Receive $10 14. Have an extra water break 15. Receive $100