
Activity 1

Each day write one thing you are thankful for. It can be something big or something really small. The important thing is to find at least one thing that you are grateful for.

Activity 2

Complete a 30 day gratitude challenge answering a question each day. If the question does not relate to you just find something that you are grateful for from that day.

1. What song are you grateful for?

2. Which primary school teacher are you most grateful for?

3. What are you grateful for today that you didn't have until this year?

4. Who helped you in the past week that you're grateful for?

5. What challenge in your life are you grateful that you had?

6. What coach have you been grateful for?

7. What thing (not person) have you seen while on holidays that you are grateful for?

8. What was better today than it was yesterday that you're grateful for?

9. Who made you smile today that you're grateful for?

10. What opportunity have you had in the past to help someone else that you are grateful for?

11. What basic need do you have that's met by being a member of this family that you're grateful for?

12. What is the thing you are most grateful for in your bedroom?

13. Which piece of technology do you own that you are most grateful for?

14. Which one of your five senses are you most grateful for?

15. What do you have that you are grateful for that you know some other people don't have the opportunity to have?

16. What are you most grateful for in your backyard?

17. What food are you most grateful for?

18. What sound in nature are you most grateful for?

19. What item of clothing that you own right now are you most grateful for?

20. What holiday are you most grateful for?

21. What family tradition are you most grateful for?

22. What makes you laugh that you are grateful for?

23. What present have you been given that you are most grateful for?

24. What app on your phone are you most grateful for?

25. What restaurant are you most grateful for?

26. What concert are you most grateful you've gone to?

27. What are you grateful that you learned today?

28. What book are you grateful for?

29. What piece of artwork are you grateful for?

30. What are you most grateful for in the Hunter area?