ChatGPT Training

ChatGPT Training

For Academia:

Slides | Some Readup | Simple Template to Write Papers | Class Materials | Talk @ KPK | Talk @ MITRANS | My Prompt Diary

For Creative People:

Text-to-Video (TTV)

Luma| InVideo |Runway |Lumen5 | sample video 

Big Players: (no public release yet): Sora | Veo

Text-to-Image (TTI)

Leonardo.AI  | MidJourney | Dall-E 3

Text-to-Avatar (TTA)


Text-to-Presentation (TTP) | sample

For Managers / Administrators:

AI for Busy Managers & Administrators (15 minute read)


AI Trends Research by Stanford University

Gemini Prompting Guide by Google

Please share with whoever you feel this will be impactful. Cheers!