Academic Profile & adventures


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IEEE IA/IE Joint Chapter Excomm Meeting in UMP, Pahang. Thank you Dr. Azlee and Dr. Isni for hosting us.
Together with IEEE Malaysia CSS legends in CSPA2023

Professional Involvements

Academic Adventures

I visited the Philippines as a visiting scholar in the University of Perpetual Help Dalta (UPHSD). Gave a few talks related to my teaching & research experience. 

Beautiful memories in Allameh Tabatabaí University, Islamic Republic of Iran. Breathtaking campus in the heart of Tehran. Was invited to give a talk on Blockchain Technology for the Summer School of Data Science and Applications in Fintech & Industry (2022). Also taught Data Modeling and Visualization course online for one semester.

In 2023, I was invited again to give a talk on Artificial Intelligence for another conference organized by the university.

Allameh univ., IRAN

Talk on Blockchain Technology & Applications in Summer School of Data Science and Applications in Fintech & Industry (2022).
This is what happens when you bring office wear to a field trip in the middle of the jungle :-D

Agensi Angkasa Malaysia

The University of Kyushu, Japan has established a collaboration with Prof. Ir. Dr. Huzaimy Jusoh (UiTM) on the Circum-Pan Pacific Magnetometer Network (CPMN), placing magnetometers around Earth's equator for space weather research. The Magnetic Data Acquisition System (MAGDAS) was installed in the Langkawi National Observatory (LNO) in 2006. Development of the MAGDAS Remote Data Acquisition and Archiving System (MRDAS) was done together with Dr. Azlee Zabidi (my former student, currently with UMP). Currently, I am co-supervising two postgraduate students working on space weather research, Aznilinda (UiTM) and Helmy (ANGKASA).

The KD Lekiu warship. Checked that one off my bucket list!Thank you KD Lekiu crew & TLDM for hosting us.


MRI was invited to visit the TLDM base in Lumut, Perak to explore some research opportunities in radar and signal processing. My team and I are currently working on some signal processing methods to filter noise from intercepted radio waves for intelligence purposes. Thank you Commander Khairuddin and team for hosting.