Ihsan Yassin
Hi! my name is Ihsan Yassin. I am an educator from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM), Malaysia. Welcome to my website.
My interests are all things related to computers. My current research interests are in Deep Learning, Generative Pretrained Transformers (GPT), and Blockchain Technology.
Here I make my profile, teaching materials and musings available for your perusal. You are free to use the materials in this website for your own research, teaching and education.
Want to collaborate? Do email me at ihsan.yassin@gmail.com or WhatsApp me.
Happy surfing!
Welcome New Students!
ECE629: Artificial Intelligence
Chapter 1: Python Fundamentals I
Chapter 2: Let's Delve into AI! Learning Machines
Chapter 3: The Overfitting Problem, Early Stopping & Dataset Division
Chapter 5: Convolutional Neural Networks
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EPO400: Electrical Practises
Course Outline
Experiment I: Notes
Experiment II: Notes
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