Gaza Ceasefire Statement

The IHME chapter of SEIU 925 Calls for an Immediate and Permanent Ceasefire in Gaza

The mission of the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) is to promote sound health policy so that all people may live long lives in full health. Violence, conflict, and war threaten to undo our hard-earned work towards this vision.

Since October 7th, the escalation of violence in Palestine/Israel has resulted in immense suffering and tragic loss of life. As union workers who strive to improve global health, we are profoundly distraught by the enormous civilian toll caused by both Hamas' violent assault and the Israeli military response. The World Health Organization, UNICEF, and Medecins sans Frontieres have all documented the profound health crises unfolding in Gaza as a result of the destruction of healthcare facilities and the imposed blockade on access to clean water, food and electricity. The devastation of Gazan healthcare infrastructure and the collective punishment of Palestinian civilians have led to a profound humanitarian catastrophe.

We call on President Biden and the U.S. congress to demand an immediate and permanent ceasefire, the unconditional release of hostages, and the resumption of humanitarian aid to the Gaza strip. Beyond a ceasefire, we call for an end to the Israeli occupation and a negotiated solution towards Palestinian self-determination. We believe that there is no military solution to this conflict and that violence is self-perpetuating. We join the voices of those calling for a just, peaceful and durable political resolution, that respects the dignity and freedom of Palestinians and Israelis alike.