Indiana University Bloomington

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I am a Ph.D. candidate in the Luddy School of Informatics, Computing, and Engineering at Indiana University Bloomington, under the supervision of Prof. Lantao Liu, the head of the Vehicle Autonomy and Intelligence Lab.

Broadly speaking, my research focuses on the theory of path integral control, specifically the Model Predictive Path Integral (MPPI) Control framework. I explore various applications, including Autonomous Navigation and Visual Servoing, employing different autonomous platforms such as aerial, ground, and manipulator robots. Currently, my main emphasis is on enhancing the performance of MPPI to facilitate safe and efficient navigation in complex and unknown cluttered environments.

Before joining VAIL, I worked as a Research Assistant at ACENTAURI, INRIA Sophia Antipolis–Méditerranée. In this role, my main responsibilities included dealing with the autonomous navigation of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) in a forest environment without prior mapping. Additionally, I hold two master's degrees: one in robotics engineering from the European Master on Advanced RObotics+ (EMARO+) in 2017, and the second in Control Engineering from Cairo University, Egypt, in 2014.

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Team Activities & Hobbies

In addition to my scientific pursuits, I enjoy singing, acting, and playing ping-pong 😉 👇