

Point-free topology or locale theory: separation axioms, closure operators, insertion and extension of functions, rings of real-valued functions, Stone-type dualities, uniform structures, metric structures and metric diameters, generalizations of normality, subobject lattices, constructive locale theory.

Quantales: quantale-enriched categories, in particular quantale-enriched topological spaces. 

More generally, I like using categorical and algebraic methods in topology. 


[12]  The DeMorganization of a locale

Submitted (2024).


[11]  The patch topology in univalent foundations

(joint with Martín H. Escardó and Ayberk Tosun)

Submitted (2024).



[10]  Localic separation and the duality between closedness and fittedness

Topology and its Applications 342 (2024).


[9]  Notes on the spatial part of a frame

(joint with Jorge Picado and Aleš Pultr)

Categories and General Algebraic Structures with Applications 20 (2024).

Preprint 23-12 DMUC

[8]  Enriched lower separation axioms and the principle of enriched continuous extension 

(joint with Javier Gutiérrez García and Ulrich Höhle)

Fuzzy Sets and Systems 468 (2023).

[7On the categorical behaviour of D-localic maps

 (joint with Javier Gutiérrez García).

Quaestiones Mathematicae 46 (2023).

 Preprint 21-50 DMUC

[6]  Frame presentations of compact hedgehogs and their properties 

(joint with Javier Gutiérrez García and Jorge Picado).

Quaestiones Mathematicae 46 (2023).

Preprint 21-26 DMUC

[5]  A general insertion theorem for uniform locales 

 (joint with Ana Belén Avilez), 

Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 227 (2023).

Preprint 22-20 DMUC

[4]  On joins of complemented sublocales

Algebra Universalis 83 (2022).

Preprint 20-23 DMUC

[3]  A new diagonal separation and its relations with the Hausdorff property 

(joint with Jorge Picado and Aleš Pultr),

Applied Categorical Structures 30 (2022).

Preprint 21-17 DMUC

[2The coframe of D-sublocales and the TD-duality 

(joint with Anna Laura Suarez)

Topology and its Applications 291 (2021).

Preprint 20-34 DMUC

[1]  On infinite variants of De Morgan law in locale theory

Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 225 (2021).

Preprint 20-03 DMUC


Ana Belén Avilez, Martín H. Escardó, Javier Gutiérrez García, Ulrich Höhle, Jorge Picado, Aleš Pultr, Anna Laura Suarez, Ayberk Tosun.


Below you may find a list of some of my recent talks.


A study of localic subspaces, separation, and variants of normality and their duals (available here).

Supervisors: Javier Gutiérrez García and Jorge Picado.

Part III essay : Categories of relations.

Supervisor: Peter Johnstone

A tale of three hedgehogs. (available at the repository of UPV/EHU or in arXiv).

Supervisors: Jon González-Sánchez and Javier Gutiérrez García