Stanford RET

Virtual Symposium

This summer, the Stanford Research Experiences for Teachers (RET) program hosted 8 Bay Area teachers, working with mentors in labs on independent research. They will be sharing their experiences on Friday, Aug 7 from 2-3pm Pacific. Contact Kyle Cole ( for a Zoom invitation.

We will have 3 sets of 15 minute presentations in breakout rooms.

Overview Agenda

2:00-2:05: Welcome!

2:05-2:20: First presentation

2:23- 2:38: Second presentation

2:41-2:56: Third presentation

2:56-3:00: Close

1st presentations (2:05-2:20)

  • Room 1: Rob Alexander

  • Room 2: Alfonso Garcia

2nd Presentations (2:23-2:38)

  • Room 1: Hung Pham

  • Room 2: Nguyen Huynh & Darrell Steely

3rd Presentations (2:41-2:56)

  • Room 1: Rebecca Lee

  • Room 2: Genny Elias-Warren

  • Room 3: Suporn Chenhansa