Hey reddit, a few days ago my very close friend decided to cut contact with me out of no where. The last thing she said to me was "Why do i waste my energy on you. Fuck you" then proceeded to block me on everything. She has been my only friend for almost a year now and I dont know what to do to make up for the fact that I have no friends. Does anyone what I can do to try and become friends once I see her in person again or should I just stop trying and move on?

we always meet up as a foursome for dinner/drinks and to be honest its made me feel v akward and not want to..? i dont really want to sit amd hear all about a wedding when im the only one that she didnt ask!!

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it def not lost in mail as she has personally mentioned the date to the others but not me..and its now only a few weeks away and she has seen me and neve mentioned it. coincidemtly one of the other out the 4 is getting married next week and we are all going.

My friend claims she cares about me and I said I was going to kill myself this week. She agreed to talk later about when the time comes and it came. She said she was sick of my shit and said she wanted a break from me. She is now ignoring all my messages. Worst thing is she is my only friend. I guess I was right all along that no one really does care about me. I have plans for today or tommorow to hang myself at midnight.

I wasn't dating anyone, but on the other line joking with my best friend and roommate, who wanted to come over and "talk." She had just returned home from a 10-day trip to Argentina, and I was three weeks out from surgery and at my parent's home for the foreseeable future, still largely unable to fend for myself in my day-to-day routine, be it driving a car or tackling a flight of stairs. I was also uncharacteristically and comically sunshine-y, thanks no doubt to a cocktail of opiads. My drug-induced optimism, though I hardly realized it at the time, was a potent tool for convincing family and friends that I was in better shape than what my many-month recovery would suggest.

Back to my friend. Her voyage abroad had come as a sort of mid-twenties soul search, a getaway to stretch through some growing pains. She had always been a wanderer, the kind of intensely creative, enigmatic character that needs to build things up just for the discovery that comes from tearing it down. This energy was oftentimes constructive and occasionally destructive. It meant never knowing if she was going to send me on a thoughtful, multi-day scavenger hunt for my birthday -- or hurl a cookie at our living room wall during an argument. I loved her in spite of, and perhaps because of, this.

I couldn't quote what she said next directly if I wanted to, because whatever variation of "I'm moving to Argentina" came out of her mouth floated far above both of our heads, into the space where words are not semantic parts to be interpreted by ears, but symbolic messes to be misinterpreted by hearts. She already had a job lined up and was staying with a host family that she had met back in college. She had made new friends on her trip and they were eagerly awaiting her return. I, meanwhile, had a broken sternum and was effectively living in my parent's basement -- a dream come true, really. She sat quietly waiting for a reaction. I was fettered by wanting both to cry and to punch her in the face, but was too dumbfounded to choose either.

We had just entered into a new, and not entirely uncommon territory of adulthood: estrangement. In my mind, there were a few basic rules to friendship. 1) Don't hit on the same guy or girl at the bar; 2) Always order a large popcorn at the movies; 3) Don't move out of the country immediately following a life-changing operation.

We spent the better part of the next two months in a highly-charged silence, strung by the occasional game of telephone among our close-knit friends, who were disappointedly not interested in taking sides. With a timing befitting the dramedy gods, her uncouth exit collided with one of the most unsuspecting physiological side effects of heart surgery: depression. I dove headlong into an utterly terrifying and unexplained anguish, not caused by, though certainly not helped, by the profound void she left behind. There were many days when I could be found congealing alongside a bowl of cereal at the kitchen counter, still in my pjs at three in the afternoon. On others, I cried so hard that I could feel the stitches heave and pull away from my newly-minted incision.

One of the best parts about being in your twenties is that you don't owe yourself to anyone. One of the worst parts about being in your twenties is that no one owes themselves to you, either. It has taken a full year to begin to sketch the lines of my identity out again, though it's as if the tracing paper has moved. I staved off paralyzing memory loss, aphasia, vision problems and hot flashes. I've left friend's birthday parties early thinking I needed an ambulance, and pulled over on the side of rural Massachusetts roads when met with a firework display in my field of vision. I've called my mother sobbing at least a dozen times when I thought I might never get my brain back to make a career as a writer. I've seen more specialists than our healthcare system allots for.

I have learned only complicated lessons, and cast many judgments. But as best as I can tell, humans are still capable of remarkable generosity and empathy, even if the outpouring doesn't come from whom we ask. That is reason enough to stretch our heart muscles towards forgiveness. That is reason enough to tell this story.

1. Gap years. Santa gets to travel across the world but only in one night. Think of all the local hot spots and destinations he is missing out on. It is unfair that he has to deliver billions of presents while the rest of the world enjoys their vacation time.

Walking in a winter wonderland! These lyrics remind me that while Christmas only comes around once a year, it renews our spirits, giving us a joy and hope that continues even after the lights come down.

tag_hash_107I am always freezing, so naturally, blankets are my best friend. Every winter, Walmart sells these blankets that are less than $5 and are SO. SOFT. AND. WARM. I have probably around 10 of these blankets, and they are the best.

One of my closest friends is getting married soon. Several weeks ago, she asked me to be in a "coordinator" role during the wedding, to ensure guests are in the right place at the right time. I said yes because of course I would help! I was surprised that I was being asked to play this part and not to be in the wedding party, so I had just assumed she wasn't having a wedding party altogether. Recently, I learned she does indeed have a wedding party, and I'm not in it. It seems pretty bizarre, and many of our mutual friends agree. I want to bring it up and ask her but am curious about the best approach. Save me from posting catty, condescending things on the internet, Reverend!

If you want to remain friends, please don't post anything snippy about the situation on social media. There's nothing classy about airing your dirty laundry on the internet. You'll end up looking like a big jerk.

Whether the wedding party is large or small, I'm sure there's a simple explanation for why you aren't in it. People have to make a lot of decisions when they plan a wedding, and none of them is easy. Maybe the bride-to-be had to narrow her party down to only family members or oldest friends.

Although it's not the role you may have expected, your friend did ask you to play a part in her big day. The duties you describe fall into the category of the very traditional wedding job of usher. That's nothing to shake a stick at.

28th July 2015 was the day his girlfriend broke up with him and refused to tell him the reason for why she broke up. He was broken. I asked him to meet me because I knew he needed me, but he never turned up. He left me standing for an hour in scorching summer heat, and the answer that I got for being stood up was that he was too tired to meet me.

The next day, him and Ann got into a relationship. He was in that relationship not because he loved her, but because he wanted to make his ex jealous. I stood there for him, supported him, only to be humiliated at the end.

It seemed as if she cast a spell on him within a month of dating. He stopped talking to me, and even if he did, it was only about her. Yes, I started getting jealous of Ann, but I never said anything because he seemed to be happy.

I tried to confront Ann and asked her if she was offended by anything, her reply was, "No it's fine". I invited him to join me on my 16th birthday party, and he brought up a silly excuse. I knew he had lied. He lied to the person who did everything possible to make him happy. I was really upset and I asked him to talk to me only when he realized his mistakes. The next thing I know I was blocked on WhatsApp.

Ann then made a group chat where he told me that Ann was the most important thing in his life. He couldn't lose her, so he lied to me repeatedly. He left me when I needed him the most. He knew what I went through. He knew my struggles very well, but deliberately chose to leave me.

A lot of young people worry about not having friends and feeling lonely in school. If we have a bad experience with friends, we can begin to think negatively about ourselves and our self-esteem takes a knock.

Learn about others. When people feel that someone is interested in what they have to say, understand where they are coming from and who they are, they feel more at ease and inclined to let you in. This is crucial to friendship.

By being cordial, friendly and open, and sharing your story (in an appropriate way), you make it easier for people to identify with you and open up. Your openness and vulnerability will attract your tribe.

One 2019 study looked at bereavement in nearly 10,000 Australian adults who lost a close friend. The results suggest grief can impair physical and mental health, along with social function, for up to 4 years. 2351a5e196


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