This pattern is named Sidecar because it resembles a sidecar attached to a motorcycle. In the pattern, the sidecar is attached to a parent application and provides supporting features for the application. The sidecar also shares the same lifecycle as the parent application, being created and retired alongside the parent. The sidecar pattern is sometimes referred to as the sidekick pattern and is a decomposition pattern.

A sidecar service is not necessarily part of the application, but is connected to it. It goes wherever the parent application goes. Sidecars are supporting processes or services that are deployed with the primary application. On a motorcycle, the sidecar is attached to one motorcycle, and each motorcycle can have its own sidecar. In the same way, a sidecar service shares the fate of its parent application. For each instance of the application, an instance of the sidecar is deployed and hosted alongside it.


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Even for applications that don't provide an extensibility mechanism, you can use a sidecar to extend functionality by attaching it as its own process in the same host or sub-container as the primary application.

Short drinks like the sidecar are served at such low volumes because they are heavy on the liquor and rather potent. With an 80-proof base liquor, the average sidecar weighs in around 26 percent ABV (52 proof). This is in line with similar cocktails like the martini and Manhattan.

The sidecar is any cocktail traditionally made with cognac, orange liqueur (Cointreau, Grand Marnier, dry curaao, or a triple sec), plus lemon juice. In its ingredients, the drink is perhaps most closely related to the older brandy crusta, which differs both in presentation and in proportions of its components.

Like the daiquiri, the sidecar evolved from the original sour formula, but sidecars are often drier than sours, combining liqueurs like curaao with citrus. Sidecars are considered more of a challenge for bartenders because the proportion of ingredients is more difficult to balance for liqueurs of variable sweetness.[1]

The exact origin of the sidecar is unclear, but it is thought to have been invented around the end of World War I in either London or Paris.[2] The drink was directly named for the motorcycle attachment, which was very commonly used at the time.

The Ritz Hotel in Paris claims origin of the drink. The first recipes for the sidecar appear in 1922, in Harry MacElhone's Harry's ABC of Mixing Cocktails and Robert Vermeire's Cocktails and How to Mix Them. It is one of six basic drinks listed in David A. Embury's The Fine Art of Mixing Drinks (1948).

In early editions of MacElhone's book, he cites the inventor as Pat MacGarry, "the popular bartender at Buck's Club, London", but in later editions he cites himself. While Vermiere states that the drink was "very popular in France. It was first introduced in London by MacGarry, the celebrated bartender of Buck's Club." Embury credits the invention of the drink to an American army captain in Paris during World War I and named after the motorcycle sidecar that the captain used.

Both MacElhone and Vermiere state the recipe as equal parts cognac, Cointreau, and lemon juice, now known as "the French school". Later, an "English school" of sidecars emerged, as found in the Savoy Cocktail Book (1930), which call for two parts cognac and one part each of Cointreau and lemon juice.

According to Embury, the original sidecar had several ingredients, which were "refined away". Embury also states the drink is simply a daiquiri with brandy as its base rather than rum, and with Cointreau as the sweetening agent rather than sugar syrup. He recommends the same proportions (8:2:1) for both, making a much-less-sweet sidecar. However, Simon Difford, in his book Encyclopedia of Cocktails, notes Harry Craddock's ratio of 2:1:1 in The Savoy Cocktail Book, and then suggests a middle ground between Craddock's recipe and the "French school" equal parts recipe of 3:2:2, calling Embury's daiquiri formula "overly dry" for a sidecar.[4]

The earliest mention of sugaring the rim on a sidecar glass is 1934, in three books: Burke's Complete Cocktail & Drinking Recipes, Gordon's Cocktail & Food Recipes, and Drinks As They Are Mixed (a revised reprint of Paul E. Lowe's 1904 book).

I am trying to custimise a sidecar in the new story maps. Is there a way to customize the dots located on the far side of the Narrative Panel? The dots act as a navigation method through the sidecar, letting the user know how far in the slides they are or jump to a specific slide. Ideally, I want to make it function similar to the StoryMaps Classic Journal version, where there is a home icon, tooltips, next, and previous arrows.

I have tried looking through sidecar tutorials but they only describe how to do things I already did to my sidecar (eg. add content, reorder slides). However, I have seen this tutorial/blog post that uses a customized version of the sidecar navigation but does not mention how to achieve what they did. They made the three dots into a visual 'page number/total page number', (eg. 03/11).

I don't think we'd add a "home" button, since in ArcGIS StoryMaps a sidecar is always part of a longer story with its own cover, but we do have an update to this experience coming in a few weeks that is somewhat reminiscent of the classic Journal navigation. Stay tuned!

Hi @OwenGeo, the current version of ArcGIS StoryMaps automatically changes the sidecar navigation from dots to numbers when there are more than 5 slides. I have a situation where I have multiple sidecars in a story and all except one have more than 5 slides. Is there a way to make the sidecar navigation look the same in a story, despite the number of slides in each sidecar?

We are using a sidecar to display a series of images. We'd like to add image captions, however can not determine how to do this. We could add a caption to the text of the sidecar, but this is not ideal. The "Attribution" text shows the 'info' icon, and this could also work but again is not ideal.

Hi Erica -- We don't currently have plans to offer a dedicated caption area for sidecar media panels. Our feeling is that it's not necessary since there is ample space for text in the narrative panel to describe images or other media. Here are two examples of stories that include captions in sidecar narrative panels: Mapping Mount Everest ( and Urban Africa ( Often just having some visual separation between the panel's main content and the image caption can be helpful, like using italics for the caption or inserting a separator above it.

Please let me know what you think of this. If you think it's worthy of a dedicated Idea, let me know and I will create one. I think for now, we will use (or misuse) the Attribution option to store the common and scientific names of flora and fauna shown in the images of the sidecar. That way the narrative is not disrupted and curious people can click the info icon for more information.

Sidecar describes the configuration of the sidecar proxy that mediatesinbound and outbound communication to the workload instance it is attached to. Bydefault, Istio will program all sidecar proxies in the mesh with thenecessary configuration required to reach every workload instance in the mesh, aswell as accept traffic on all the ports associated with theworkload. The Sidecar configuration provides a way to fine tune the set ofports, protocols that the proxy will accept when forwarding traffic toand from the workload. In addition, it is possible to restrict the setof services that the proxy can reach when forwarding outbound trafficfrom workload instances.

NOTE 1: Each namespace can have only one Sidecarconfiguration without any workloadSelector that specifies thedefault for all pods in that namespace. It is recommended to usethe name default for the namespace-wide sidecar. The behavior ofthe system is undefined if more than one selector-less Sidecarconfigurations exist in a given namespace. The behavior of thesystem is undefined if two or more Sidecar configurations with aworkloadSelector select the same workload instance.

The example below declares a global default Sidecar configurationin the root namespace called istio-config, that configuressidecars in all namespaces to allow egress traffic only to otherworkloads in the same namespace as well as to services in theistio-system namespace.

The example below declares a Sidecar configuration in theprod-us1 namespace that overrides the global default definedabove, and configures the sidecars in the namespace to allow egresstraffic to public services in the prod-us1, prod-apis, and theistio-system namespaces.

The following example declares a Sidecar configuration in theprod-us1 namespace for all pods with labels app: ratingsbelonging to the service. The workload acceptsinbound HTTP traffic on port 9080. The traffic is then forwarded tothe attached workload instance listening on a Unix domainsocket. In the egress direction, in addition to the istio-systemnamespace, the sidecar proxies only HTTP traffic bound for port9080 for services in the prod-us1 namespace. 2351a5e196

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