

In order to prepare all the mobilities a staff meeting took place in Birmingham. Teachers from the 4 countries involved participated in several workshops and meetings fixing all the details.

Paris (France), 24th - 30th March 2019

Students from the four countries stayed together at the Alberg Yves Robert Hostel and among other activities they visited different plantations and could learn the fabrication of flowers

Birmingham (UK), 12th - 16th February 2018

During this mobility, students lived all together at the Hatters Hostel. They visited the Cotswold Farm Park, the Botanical Gardens and attended a Food Festival where they could cook traditional recipes using sheep, mutton and lamb.

Berlin (Germany), 14th - 18th May 2018

At the Lily-Braub-Gymnasium the students visited their school garden, a Herb garden where they amde yoghurts and salads from its natural ingredients. They attended to an interesting workshop about ancient growing and made eco bread.

Vallada (Spain), 15th - 19th October 2018

All along these days, students learnt the ancient job of basketmaking, visited the Botanical Garden in Valencia and found out how the olive harvest functions. Besides, they strolled round Vallada up to the Castle and the Hermitage.