
eTwinning School

Our experience on eTwinning started in 2014. Since then, many projects have been done and most of them have been awarded with the national Quality Label as well as the European Quality Label. Moreover, in 2019 we started to be eTwinning School and we renew it every year!!!

Our awarded projects

eTwinning Conference, Valencia

                                                                                                        7th May, 2024

Yesterday, our school received the eTwinning School Award at the eTwinning Conference held in Valencia. Two of students, Azael from Forestry Vocational Training and Amaia, 3r ESO student took part in a Round Table together with other students and teachers to discuss about their eTwinning projects and its benefits. Besides, our colleague and eTwinning Ambassador, Marta Úbeda, took part in a debate together with Elena Ortiz, Education Inspector and Lucia Adusara, Head mistress at IES Broch i Llop. They talked for a while about how to improve linguistic competence thorugh eTwinning projects and the value of being an eTwinning school among other topics.

2nd National Conference, eTwinning Schools, Madrid

                                                                                                             17th - 18th November, 2023

One more year, we have attended the National Conference for eTwinning schools which took place in Madrid and there were about 120 participants.

The three main goals were to give visibility to the innovative projects carried out at eTwinning schools; to provide knowledge to better our  everyday work and to offer a meeting point so that everyone could exchange experiences and proposals.

IX Ambassadors' Meeting, Madrid

                                                                                                             14th - 15th October, 2022

Our eTwinning Ambassador have attended the IX Ambassadors' Meeting

held in Madrid, on the 14th and 15th October, 2022. During these days, the main topic was focused on Digital Competence and the acquisition of ICT tools.

1st National Conference, eTwinning Schools, Madrid

                                                                                                    24th - 25th February, 2022

During these two days, Digital Competence, Shared leadership or Collaboration were the main topics we, as eTwinning Schools, should cope with. Furthermore, best practice were shown and all focused on internationalization and the idea of being a model to other schools.

V Ambassadors' Meeting, Madrid

                                                                                                             10th - 11th November, 2016

First time at an Ambassadors' meeting and it was really fruitful. The speeches and workshops were focused on quality and assessment and also motivation and training for teachers in order to implement it in their daily lessons.