International journal

Ullah, Shan, Mehdi Pirahandeh, and Deok-Hwan Kim. "Self-attention deep ConvLSTM with sparse-learned channel dependencies for wearable sensor-based human activity recognition." Neurocomputing 571 (2024): 127157.

Kang, Dohee, et al. "Beyond superficial emotion recognition: Modality-adaptive emotion recognition system." Expert Systems with Applications 235 (2024): 121097. 

Lee, Jeong-Geun, Deok-Hwan Kim, and Jang Hyun Lee. "Proactive Fault Diagnosis of a Radiator: A Combination of Gaussian Mixture Model and LSTM Autoencoder." Sensors 23.21 (2023): 8688. 

Tulkinbekov, Khikmatullo, and Deok-Hwan Kim. "Data Modifications in Blockchain Architecture for Big-Data Processing." Sensors 23.21 (2023): 8762. 

Jang, Jihye, Khikmatullo Tulkinbekov, and Deok-Hwan Kim. "Task offloading of deep learning services for autonomous driving in mobile edge computing." Electronics 12.15 (2023): 3223. 

Tulkinbekov, Khikmatullo, and Deok-Hwan Kim. "Deletion-Based Tangle Architecture for Edge Computing." Electronics 11.21 (2022): 3488. 

Kang, Dong-Hyun, and Deok-Hwan Kim. "1D convolutional autoencoder-based PPG and GSR signals for real-time emotion classification." IEEE Access 10 (2022): 91332-91345. 

Pirahandeh, Mehdi, and Deok-Hwan Kim. "MS scheduler: New, scalable, and high-performance sparse AVX-2 parity encoding and decoding technique for erasure-coded cloud storage systems." Future Generation Computer Systems 126 (2022): 123-135. 

Hwang, Woo‐Hyun, Dong‐Hyun Kang, and Deok‐Hwan Kim. "Brain lateralisation feature extraction and ant colony optimisation‐bidirectional LSTM network model for emotion recognition." IET Signal Processing 16.1 (2022): 45-61. 

Lee, Miran, Joo-Ho Lee, and Deok-Hwan Kim. "Gender recognition using optimal gait feature based on recursive feature elimination in normal walking." Expert Systems with Applications 189 (2022): 116040. 

Kanagachalam, Srinidhi, Khikmatullo Tulkinbekov, and Deok-Hwan Kim. "Blosm: Blockchain-based service migration for connected cars in embedded edge environment." Electronics 11.3 (2022): 341. 

Tulkinbekov, Khikmatullo, and Deok-Hwan Kim. "Blockchain-enabled approach for big data processing in edge computing." IEEE Internet of Things Journal 9.19 (2022): 18473-18486. 

Ullah, Shan, and Deok-Hwan Kim. "Federated learning using sparse-adaptive model selection for embedded edge computing." IEEE Access 9 (2021): 167868-167879. 

Lee, Heung-Gu, Dong-Hyun Kang, and Deok-Hwan Kim. "Human–machine interaction in driving assistant systems for semi-autonomous driving vehicles." Electronics 10.19 (2021): 2405. 

Pirahandeh, Mehdi, Shan Ullah, and Deok-Hwan Kim. "A distributed edge-based scheduling technique with low-latency and high-bandwidth for existing driver profiling algorithms." Electronics 10.8 (2021): 972. 

Maeng, Jun-Ho, Dong-Hyun Kang, and Deok-Hwan Kim. "Deep learning method for selecting effective models and feature groups in emotion recognition using an Asian multimodal database." Electronics 9.12 (2020): 1988. 

Choi, Dong Yoon, Deok-Hwan Kim, and Byung Cheol Song. "Multimodal attention network for continuous-time emotion recognition using video and EEG signals." IEEE Access 8 (2020): 203814-203826. 

Ullah, Shan, and Deok-Hwan Kim. "Lightweight driver behavior identification model with sparse learning on in-vehicle can-bus sensor data." Sensors 20.18 (2020): 5030. 

Tulkinbekov, Khikmatullo, and Deok-Hwan Kim. "CaseDB: Lightweight key-value store for edge computing environment." IEEE Access 8 (2020): 149775-149786. 

Tulkinbekov, Khikmatullo, Joo-Hwan Kim, and Deok-Hwan Kim. "Deduplication Adapted CaseDB for Edge Computing." IEIE Transactions on Smart Processing & Computing 9.4 (2020): 317-324. 

Lee, Miran, Jaehwan Ryu, and Deok‐Hwan Kim. "Automated epileptic seizure waveform detection method based on the feature of the mean slope of wavelet coefficient counts using a hidden Markov model and EEG signals." ETRI Journal 42.2 (2020): 217-229. 

Ryu, Jaehwan, Miran Lee, and Deok-Hwan Kim. "EOG-based eye tracking protocol using baseline drift removal algorithm for long-term eye movement detection." Expert Systems with Applications 131 (2019): 275-287. 

Ryu, J., Lee, B. H., Maeng, J., & Kim, D. H. (2019). sEMG-signal and IMU sensor-based gait sub-phase detection and prediction using a user-adaptive classifier. Medical engineering & physics, 69, 50-57. 

Lee, Byoung-Hoon, Jae-Hwan Yu, and Deok-Hwan Kim. "Multiple Classifier System Based on User Feedback for BCI P300 Speller." International Conference on Convergence Technology. Vol. 1. No. 2. 한국융합학회, 2012. 

Pirahandeh, Mehdi, and Deok-Hwan Kim. "Energy-aware RAID scheduling methods in distributed storage applications." Cluster Computing 22 (2019): 445-454. 

Kim, Sang Ho, and Deok-Hwan Kim. "Human Identification based on EMG Signal Pattern according to Gait Habits using HMM." International Information Institute (Tokyo). Information 20.2A (2017): 897-902. 

Ryu, Jaehwan, and Deok-Hwan Kim. "Real-time gait subphase detection using an EMG signal graph matching (ESGM) algorithm based on EMG signals." Expert Systems with Applications 85 (2017): 357-365. 

Ryu, Jaehwan, Byeong-Hyeon Lee, and Deok-Hwan Kim. "sEMG signal-based lower limb human motion detection using a top and slope feature extraction algorithm." IEEE Signal Processing Letters 24.7 (2016): 929-932. 

Song, Tae-Geon, et al. "GPU-accelerated high-performance encoding and decoding of hierarchical RAID in virtual machines." The Journal of Supercomputing 74 (2018): 5865-5888. 

Pirahandeh, Mehdi, and Deok‐Hwan Kim. "High performance GPU‐based parity computing scheduler in storage applications." Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 29.4 (2017): e3889. 

Heo, Huiseong, Cheongjin Ahn, and Deok-Hwan Kim. "Parity data de-duplication in all flash array-based OpenStack cloud block storage." IEICE transactions on information and systems 99.5 (2016): 1384-1387. 

Lee, Kwangsoo, et al. "Erasure codes encoding performance enhancing techniques using GPGPU based non-sparse coding vector in storage systems." Advances in Computer Science and Ubiquitous Computing: CSA & CUTE. Springer Singapore, 2015. 

Pirahandeh, Mehdi, and Deok-Hwan Kim. "Energy-aware and intelligent storage features for multimedia devices in smart classroom." Multimedia Tools and Applications 76 (2017): 1139-1157. 

Pirahandeh, Mehdi, and Deok-Hwan Kim. "Energy-aware GPU-RAID scheduling for reducing energy consumption in cloud storage systems." Computer Science and its Applications: Ubiquitous Information Technologies. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2015. 

Kim, Deok-Hwan, et al. "Hybrid-RAID System based on SSD for Enhancing Reliability and I/O Performance." International Information Institute (Tokyo). Information 17.2 (2014): 487. 

Lee, Byoung-Hoon, Deok-Hwan Kim, and Sang-Min Lee. "User adaptive and fair broadcasting in an error-prone environment." Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing 20.3 (2014): 319-334. 

Md Zia Uddin, Deok-Hwan Kim(교신) , and Tae-Seong Kim "A Human Activity Recognition System Using Hidden Markov Models with Generalized Discriminant Analysis on Independent Component Features"The International Arab Journal of Information Technology(IAJIT) (2014)

Uddin, Md Zia, et al. "An indoor human activity recognition system for smart home using local binary pattern features with hidden markov models." Indoor and Built Environment 22.1 (2013): 289-298. 

Kim, Deok‐Hwan, Chi‐Young Cho, and Jaehwan Ryu. "Real‐Time Locomotion Mode Recognition Employing Correlation Feature Analysis Using EMG Pattern." Etri Journal 36.1 (2014): 99-105. 

Lee, Byoung-Hoon, and Deok-Hwan Kim. "Efficient context-aware selection based on user feedback." IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics 58.3 (2012): 978-984. 

Saipullah, Khairul-Muzzammil, and Deok-Hwan Kim. "Target detection of hyperspectral images based on their Fourier spectral features." Optical Engineering 51.11 (2012): 111704-111704. a

Kim, Deok-hwan, and Jun-sik Yang. "A hybrid storage technology for low power consumption and high I/O performance in an IPTV set-top box." Journal of Central South University 19 (2012): 1267-1275. 

Hasan, Muhammad A., et al. "Automatic evaluation of cardiac hypertrophy using cardiothoracic area ratio in chest radiograph images." Computer methods and programs in biomedicine 105.2 (2012): 95-108. 

Saipullah, Khairul Muzzammil, and Deok-Hwan Kim. "A robust texture feature extraction using the localized angular phase." Multimedia Tools and Applications 59 (2012): 717-747. 

Hasan, M. Abul, Seok-Lyong Lee, and Deok-Hwan Kim. "Static Object-of-Interest Recognition from Video Streams for Effective Visualization in Small Hand-Held Displays." Advanced Science Letters 9.1 (2012): 126-131. 

Lim, S. H., Lee, S. W., Lee, B. H., & Lee, S. (2011). Power-aware optimal checkpoint intervals for mobile consumer devices. IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, 57(4), 1637-1645. 

Saipullah, K. M., Ismail, N. A., & Kim, D. H. (2011). The pruning of combined neighborhood differences texture descriptor for multispectral image segmentation. Int J Comput Technol Electron Eng, 1(3), 1-6. 

Peng, S. H., Kim, D. H., Lee, S. L., & Lim, M. K. (2010). Texture feature extraction based on a uniformity estimation method for local brightness and structure in chest CT images. Computers in Biology and Medicine, 40(11-12), 931-942. 

Peng, S. H., Kim, D. H., Lee, S. L., & Chung, C. W. (2010). A visual shape descriptor using sectors and shape context of contour lines. Information sciences, 180(16), 2925-2939. 

Tae-Su Park, Ju-Hong Lee, Sang-Ho Park, Bum-ghi Choi, Deok-Hwan Kim"Search method of time sensitive frequent itemsets in data streams. In Progress in Pattern Recognition, Image Analysis and Applications: 11th Iberoamerican Congress in Pattern Recognition, CIARP 2006 Cancun, Mexico, November 14-17, 2006 Proceedings 11 (pp. 511-518). Springer Berlin Heidelberg (2006).