About IESL

We are seeking for talented and enthusiastic students in various levels (Master & PhD candidates). If you are interested, please feel free to contact Prof.Deok-Hwan Kim (deokhwan@inha.ac.kr)

Major Research Topics

1. Embedded Edge Computing

2. Artificial Intelligence (Speech Recognition)


3. Wearable Computing

4. Blockchain

Contact Information

Intelligent Embedded Systems Laboratory (IESL) 

Professor's Office : Room 814

Laboratory : Room 813

🏢  8th floor, ( 20 ) Hi-tech Center, Inha University

        100, Inha-ro, Michuhol-gu, Incheon, Republic of Korea, 22212

📲  T : +82-32-860-7424

        F: +82-32-868-3654

📧  ieslinhalab@gmail.com