2nd IEEE Workshop on
Security Trust Privacy in Emerging Cyber-Physical Systems (STP-CPS)
with 17th IEEE SECON 2020
Call for Papers: Journal Special Issues
- IEEE Magazine of Consumer Electronics (IEEE MEC): Special Special Section on Trust, Security and Privacy Solutions for Intelligent Internet of Vehicular Things.
- Springer Annals of Telecommunications: Special Issue on Massive Sensors Data Fusion for Health-care Informatics
- IEEE Transaction on Network Science and Engineering: Special Issue on Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning Enabled Reconfigurable Wireless Networks.
- MDPI Sensors: Special Issue on Machine Learning and Data Analytics for Edge Clouds.
- Wiley Internet Technology Letters, Special Issue on Deep Learning for Future Smart Cities.
- MDPI-Future Internet: Cyber Physical Systems: Prospects, Challenges, and Role in Software Defined Networking and Blockchain.
In recent years, Cyber-Physical System (CPS) has become an important research direction for academia, industry, and government agencies as CPS is considered to be following the third wave of world information technology after the computer and the Internet. Software defined networking (SDN) is an emerging technology that can be integrated with CPS to provide scalable, reliable, secure and efficient communication in heterogeneous infrastructure. Blockchain technology clearly emerged as of increasing importance as it offers security solutions in various domains including CPS.
This workshop aims to bring together a number of researchers from academia, industry, and government agencies to focus on understanding security challenges and attack surface of modern cyber-physical systems, and architect innovative solutions with the help of cutting-edge technologies like SDN and Blockchain.
The workshop will serve as a forum for sharing experiences and outcomes with protocol design, real testbeds, experimental evaluation, prototyping and empirical characterization of Blockchain and SDN technologies in CPS. The workshop will facilitate discussions on unresolved issues in the field, such as blockchain-based security solutions of critical infrastructures, secure and resilient system architectures, protocols and applications for softwarized CPS environment, and SDN capabilities in critical infrastructures, as well as key challenges facing the software defined CPS of the future.
The workshop welcomes poster proposals for demonstrations of novel work / work-in-progress in software defined networking Blockchain for security in critical infrastructure as well as testbeds, measurement platforms and results, and innovative prototypes.
News & Announcement
April 15, 2020: Keynote by Prof. Aniruddha Gokhale, Vanderbilt University, TN, USA.
April 9, 2020: The deadline for paper submission is extended to May 01, 2020. Please submit your good work.
March 18, 2020: COVID-19 Updates...
Due to the recent COVID-19 issue, the safety and well-being of all conference participants has been taken to consideration. After studying and evaluating the announcements, guidance, and news released by relevant national departments, the Organizing Committee of IEEE SECON 2020, in concert with the Steering Committee and IEEE, has decided that the conference will run as a virtual conference (i.e., using remote audio/video support) and not as an in-person event. Authors will be required to present their paper remotely, according to IEEE policies and procedures about publication(s). Attendees will still be able to enjoy the presentations and interact with the authors remotely.We will communicate the details of the specific audio/video tools we will be using, as well as, the scheduling and format of paper presentations and other conference events.March 30, 2020: The deadline for Camera Ready paper submission is extended to 15th May.
Feb 1, 2020: Workshop submission link (https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com/STPCPS2020/) is activated.
Jan 31, 2020: Workshop website and CFP is published ...
Jan 23, 2020: Workshop proposal accepted!!!