
Booking the Glowforge


Students, staff and faculty must first complete either this online tutorial or attend an in-person workshop before they are eligible to book the Glowforge. 

Whether training is completed in-person or online, all users must agree to the Terms and Conditions upon completion.

Booking Guidelines

The Glowforge can be booked at the Lakeshore campus Idea Lab only. Find the booking page on the Idea Lab website under “Book a Studio or Equipment.”

You may reserve the Glowforge for up to two (2) hours per day, with a maximum of four (4) hours per week.

In your booking request, include a brief description of what you want to make and what material you will be using. 

If you are using the Glowforge as part of a class project or assignment, make sure you enter the course code for your class. If you are working on a personal project, enter “Other.”


Once submitted, Idea Lab staff will review and respond to your booking request within one (1) business day. If you are approved, a booking confirmation will be sent to your Humber Office 365 (Outlook) email address.

Please arrive within 15 minutes of your booking time, otherwise your reservation may be canceled. If you cannot attend your booking, please cancel it via the link in your booking confirmation or by emailing idealab@humber.ca. Repeated no-shows may result in a loss of Idea Lab booking privileges.

During your booking, Idea Lab staff will be available to assist with setting up your job and troubleshooting, but you are responsible for the equipment during your booking and must remain for the duration of use.