There are plenty of reasons to teach your kids how to play chess. Spending time together on a shared interest can strengthen your connection to each other, support your child's personal growth and self-confidence, and even boost their STEM skills. Importantly, it can also be lots of fun!

Consider giving your child access to useful online resources like or ChessKid, in particular, is great for kids with articles, puzzles, lessons, and fun chess-based videos that can teach aspiring chess masters a thing or two while also keeping them entertained. Kids learn in many different ways, and adding a visual dimension (as well as the opportunity for independent, self-paced studying) can be hugely beneficial in your child's learning more about chess.

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At the end of the day, no matter what your personal chess level is, you can play a crucial role in supporting your child as they learn how to play the game. Teaching your kids how to play chess can be a fun and rewarding way to strengthen your relationship together, and give your child some great skills to use in other aspects of their life.

In 900 CE, Abbasid chess masters al-Suli and al-Lajlaj composed works on the techniques and strategy of the game, and by 1000 CE Chess was popular across Europe, and in Russia where it was introduced from the Eurasian Steppe. The Alfonso manuscripts, also known as the Libro de los Juegos (Book of Games), a medieval collection of texts on three different types of popular game from the 13th century CE describe the game of Chess as very similar to Persian Shatranj in rules and gameplay.

The designation of World Chess Day of the UN will not only recognize the important role of the FIDE in supporting international cooperation for chess activity and aiming to improve friendly harmony among all peoples of the world, but also to provide an important platform to foster, dialogue, solidarity and culture of peace.

Traditional games including chess and its many variants constitute important elements of the cultures of different people living along the Silk Roads. The interactions and reencounters that have been taking place for thousands of years along the Silk Roads provided considerable opportunities not only for the spread of traditional games throughout different regions but also for their enrichment at different levels.

Chess, being a mind game, encourages deep logical thinking which enhances responsible action. Thus, promoting the playing of chess and linking this with issues of sex and sexuality could be a creative and strategic way of taking up the HIV/AIDS challenge.

The fillings vary as much as the name, which is sometimes spelled egg foo yung, egg fu yung or egg foo yong. Kind of like the many spelling variations we see for San Choy Bow (Chinese Lettuce Cups)!

Any raw vegetables that are finely chopped enough to cook through in a few minutes in the omelette are ideal here. If using vegetables that will take longer to cook, for example, diced zucchini, then saut first in a little oil and perhaps garlic for extra flavour, then add to the batter.

Anyone walking through Washington Square Park can observe the unjust share of joblessness and chronic poverty that is portioned out along racial lines; yet the economic, political, and ideological forces that determine this are less easy to perceive. A black man out on the street trying to sell something is simply more visible than the links between racial capitalism1 and the prison system. It is then surprising to witness, in this commonplace scene, the significant influence of the carceral state on the distribution of work and wages unfolding over a game of chess in Washington Square Park. 

Researchers who study brain activity noted that theta waves are heightened in electroencephalograms (EEGs) taken when people are in a state of flow. Studies have shown the same high levels of theta waves in brain scans of experienced chess players during increasingly difficult chess matches.

Considered a creative therapy strategy, chess allows you to see your reactions to stress and to challenges as they arise in the course of a match. Your therapist is present to help you evaluate your responses and learn more about why you respond to problems the way you do.

Competitive chess players feel a great deal of anxiety about their performance during matches. Some have even described the game as mental torture. Stress over competitive rankings or performance may even interfere with healthy sleep.

Researchers have analyzed the heart rate variability in chess players who were engaged in solving difficult chess problems. Heart rate variability is an indicator of increased sympathetic nervous system activity and stress.

Several community organizations run programs onsite, offering a variety of activities such sports, hip-hop, STEM, chess violin and Mandarin instruction. There are also several programs in the neighborhood that pick up PS 124 students at the end of the school day and escort them to off-site activities.

Young Sparks academy gives all children the opportunity to deep dive into more intensive course-based programs while still having all the fun of our regular Young Sparks activities. These scholarship based short-courses extend beyond the normal school curriculum covering topics including; business, entrepeneurship, finance, science, nutrition, advanced chess skills and more.

Fashion Club is open to all students interested in presenting and exchanging fashion ideas, design and beauty tips. Speakers include fashion college students, beauticians, buyers, photographers, and models. The end of the year goal is to present a fashion show. Weekly meetings take place after school.

The Book Club unites students and other NFA community members to discuss the works they are reading in an open conversation of ideas and opinions. Writers are also welcome to discuss the writing process.

Beginners and experienced photographers have the opportunity to learn about traditional photography and work in the darkroom in the Bradlaw studio. Students share ideas, collaborate on projects, and enjoy the photograph making process.

The Chess Club is a diverse and welcoming community for chess enthusiasts. We're passionate about chess and dedicated to helping beginners get started on their chess journey. Whether you're just beginning your chess adventure or striving for mastery, you're invited to be a part of our indomitable club.

In 1727, at age 21, Franklin formed the Junto, a group of "like minded aspiring artisans and tradesmen who hoped to improve themselves while they improved their community". The Junto was a discussion group for issues of the day; it subsequently gave rise to many organizations in Philadelphia.[21] The Junto was modeled after English coffeehouses that Franklin knew well and which had become the center of the spread of Enlightenment ideas in Britain.[22][23]

This did not suffice, however. Franklin conceived the idea of a subscription library, which would pool the funds of the members to buy books for all to read. This was the birth of the Library Company of Philadelphia, whose charter he composed in 1731.[25]

On July 26, 1775, the Second Continental Congress established the United States Post Office and named Franklin as the first United States postmaster general. He had been a postmaster for decades and was a natural choice for the position.[84] He had just returned from England and was appointed chairman of a Committee of Investigation to establish a postal system. The report of the committee, providing for the appointment of a postmaster general for the 13 American colonies, was considered by the Continental Congress on July 25 and 26. On July 26, 1775, Franklin was appointed postmaster general, the first appointed under the Continental Congress. His apprentice, William Goddard, felt that his ideas were mostly responsible for shaping the postal system and that the appointment should have gone to him, but he graciously conceded it to Franklin, 36 years his senior.[80] Franklin, however, appointed Goddard as Surveyor of the Posts, issued him a signed pass, and directed him to investigate and inspect the various post offices and mail routes as he saw fit.[85][86] The newly established postal system became the United States Post Office, a system that continues to operate today.[87]

An aging Franklin accumulated all his oceanographic findings in Maritime Observations, published by the Philosophical Society's transactions in 1786.[181] It contained ideas for sea anchors, catamaran hulls, watertight compartments, shipboard lightning rods and a soup bowl designed to stay stable in stormy weather.

Franklin formulated a presentation of his beliefs and published it in 1728.[199] He no longer accepted the key Puritan ideas regarding salvation, the divinity of Jesus, or indeed much religious dogma. He classified himself as a deist in his 1771 autobiography,[200] although he still considered himself a Christian.[201] He retained a strong faith in a God as the wellspring of morality and goodness in man, and as a Providential actor in history responsible for American independence.[202]

The classical authors read in the Enlightenment period taught an abstract ideal of republican government based on hierarchical social orders of king, aristocracy and commoners. It was widely believed that English liberties relied on their balance of power, but also hierarchal deference to the privileged class.[211] "Puritanism ... and the epidemic evangelism of the mid-eighteenth century, had created challenges to the traditional notions of social stratification"[212] by preaching that the Bible taught all men are equal, that the true value of a man lies in his moral behavior, not his class, and that all men can be saved.[212] Franklin, steeped in Puritanism and an enthusiastic supporter of the evangelical movement, rejected the salvation dogma but embraced the radical notion of egalitarian democracy.[citation needed] e24fc04721

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