Elisabetta Farella


Elisabetta Farella is a distinguished researcher leading the Energy Efficient Embedded Digital Architectures (E3DA) unit at the Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Trento, Italy. 

Her work focuses on developing energy-independent embedded systems integrated with AI. 

Elisabetta Farella actively contributes to various national and international projects, engaging with both the industrial and academic sectors, showcasing her extensive experience and collaborative efforts in the advancement of smart and energy-efficient technologies.

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Yoichi Sato


Professor Yoichi Sato serves as professor at the Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo, where he specializes in the field of computer vision. 

His extensive research covers a wide array of topics including first-person vision, gaze sensing and analysis, physics-based vision, and illumination and reflectance modeling. 

His works enhance the development of innovative solutions and methodologies in their respective fields, making significant contributions to both academic and practical applications of computer vision. Professor Sato's leadership and expertise continue to inspire and shape the future of technology and its intersection with human interaction.

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Enkelejda Kasneci


Enkelejda Kasneci is a Distinguished Professor (Liesel-Beckmann Distinguished Professorship) at the Technical University of Munich and Director of the TUM Center for Educational Technologies.

Renowned for her expertise in eye-tracking research, she focuses on refining algorithms to improve the accuracy and reliability of eye-tracking systems, particularly in real-world contexts. 

Her work enhances human-computer interaction through advancements in gaze and pupil detection technologies. 

As a respected academic and mentor, Kasneci continues to influence the next generation of researchers, shaping the future of eye-tracking technology and its applications in improving human-computer interaction

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Giovanni Maria Farinella

Giovanni Maria Farinella is a Full Professor at the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science at the University of Catania, Italy. 

His research interests lie in the fields of Computer Vision and Machine Learning with focus on Egocentric Vision.  

He is part of the EPIC-KITCHENS and EGO4D teams. He is Associate Editor of the international journals IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Pattern Recognition, International Journal of Computer Vision. He has been serving as Area Chair for CVPR/ICCV/ECCV/BMVC/WACV/ICPR, and as Program Chair of ECCV. 

He founded and currently directs the International Computer Vision Summer School (ICVSS). He was awarded the PAMI Mark Everingham Prize in 2017 and the Intel's 2022 Outstanding Researcher Award.

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