The ICVSE workshop at ECCV invites researchers, innovators, and practitioners to submit their papers to contribute to the expanding field of Smart Eyewear. We seek original, high-quality submissions that advance the state of the art in computer vision applications within wearable technology. 

Whether theoretical or practical, we encourage submissions that address unique challenges, propose novel solutions, and foster discussions on technological advancements and their implications. 

Selected papers will be featured in the workshop sessions, either as oral presentations or posters. This is a unique opportunity to engage in meaningful dialogue with peers and leaders in the field, helping to shape the future of Smart Eyewear technologies.

For the complete details and requirements, please consult the full Call for Papers.


We invite submissions on a wide range of topics related to Smart Eyewear, including but not limited to:


Please ensure all submissions adhere to the European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV) 2024 guidelines. 

For detailed information on submission policies, please visit: ECCV 2024 Submission Policies. 

All submissions will be handled electronically via the conference’s CMT Website: 



The best three submissions will be awarded based on the novelty, impact, and quality of the research. These awards aim to encourage and acknowledge innovative work that pushes the boundaries of smart eyewear technologies.

Awards will be presented during the workshop, and winners will have the opportunity to highlight their work in a special session dedicated to their research.