Internal Operating Regulation

The internal regulation of the research laboratory was amended and published in the Official Gazette 6305/issue B'/30-12-2021.


"ICU Follow-up Care Lab"

Founding Members

Dimitrios E. Papageorgiou, Associate Professor

Theodoros Kapadochos, Assistant Professor

Stylianos Parissopoulos, Lecturer

Article 1


The “ICU Follow-up Care Lab” was founded at the Department of Nursing of the School of Health and Welfare Sciences of the University of West Attica. The Research Laboratory meets the educational and research needs of the following scientific subject areas: Basic Nursing, Medical and Surgical Nursing, Public Health and Mental Health, Community Nursing, and Pediatric Nursing.

Article 2

Internal Operating Regulation

The Laboratory operation is governed by this regulation. The operation regulation consists of the following articles.

Article 3

The main mission of the Research Laboratory - "ICU Follow-up Care Lab" is:

1. The delivery of teaching and conduction of research activity for the Department of Nursing, as well as for other Departments of the University of West Attica (UNIWA) as long as those departments are within the scope of the Laboratory’s scientific field and research interests. These are stipulated in clause 1 and they are part of the program of studies of each Department.

2. To support doctoral and postdoctoral research on matters related to the teaching and research areas of the Laboratory.

3. To promote teaching and research collaborations between Academics and researchers with relevant or complementary scientific fields of specialization within the University of West Attica.

4. To establish and form a network of cooperation between Greek and European/International Research Centers and Academic Institutes.

5. To bring together different public sector bodies, local government organizations, scientific, social, and professional bodies, international organizations, and private sector bodies, that share relevant scientific fields and research interests. The main aim is for all participant bodies to jointly contribute to the exploration of possible solutions and recommendations for managing current issues and problems.

6. To provide expert opinion on issues related to the Laboratory’s scientific areas of study.

7. To provide services to individuals and organizations according to the Presidential Decree 159/1984 (Government Gazette 53/ issue A’/ 27-04-1984) “Terms and Conditions for the provision of services to individuals and all legal organizations by the university laboratories”.

8. To attract National and International funding for the Laboratory’s scientific interests and research activity or its members’ individual fields of specialization.

9. The organization of scientific lectures, workshops, seminars, symposia, conferences, and other scientific events. To encourage and support the preparation and publication of research papers and guidelines in order to promote scientific knowledge and research, and to offer research opportunities to Greek and international scientists.

Article 4


The staff consists of:

1. Faculty Members of the Department of Nursing at the School of Health and Welfare Sciences, University of West Attica, as well as Faculty Members of other departments at the University of West Attica whose subject matter and their educational and research interests, are in line with those of the Laboratory, as they are defined in article 1 and they are members of the Laboratory as outlined in paragraph 4 of Article 28 (Law 4485/2017).

2. Members of the Special Teaching Staff and Special Technical Laboratory Staff, whose subject matter is in line with the aim and purpose of the Laboratory as outlined in paragraph 5 of Article 28 (Law 4485/2017, Government Gazette 14009/ issue B’ 1135/ 05-04-2019).

3. Postdoctoral researchers, doctors, doctoral candidates, and postgraduate students who actively participate in research activities, research projects, and other services are offered by the Laboratory. Additionally, Faculty Members of other Higher Education Institutes (HEI), Greek Professors, or/and Visiting Professors from other countries may participate and collaborate on a case-to-case basis, provided their actions are congruent with the mission and goals of the laboratory.

Article 5

Administration - Responsibilities

The “ICU Follow-up Care Lab” is run by a Faculty Member of the Department of Nursing of the University of West Attica. The Faculty Member is a member of the main research team of the Laboratory and his specialization corresponds to those outlined in Article 1 hereof. The Laboratory’s Director is elected for a three-year term according to the procedure outlined in Article 29 (Law 4485/2017, Government Gazette 114/ issue A’/ 04-08-2019). The director may be a Lecturer, Associate Professor or Assistant Professor. The Director is replaced in cases of disability or absence by the most senior Faculty member, starting from the level of Professor and gradually moving down to the level of Associate professor.

The Director of the Laboratory has the following responsibilities:

  1. Coordination of the didactic (undergraduate - postgraduate) and research work of the Laboratory.

  2. Write up and submission of an annual operational report of the laboratory to the Assembly of the Department

  3. Care for the smooth operation and function of the Laboratory, as well as for the staffing, the financial management of any sources/funding, and the distribution of the premises of the Laboratory.

  4. Submission to the Assembly of the Department of the annual and three-year report on the activities of the Laboratory.

  5. Representation of the Laboratory to the governing bodies of the Department and the University.

  6. Care for the financial management of the resources of the Laboratory.

  7. Care for the staffing of the Laboratory with the necessary staff, as well as for the setup and organization of research teams academics, professionals and scientists, undergraduate and postgraduate students.

  8. The obligation to distribute the Laboratory space

  9. Propose to the Sector on the supply of equipment, as well as consumables.

  10. Signing of any outgoing document/letter related to the Laboratory. The Director bears the overall responsibility for the smooth and efficient operation of the Laboratory

Article 6

Laboratory Facilities: Equipment and Materials/Consumables

The Laboratory is located on the premises of the Department of Nursing at the University of the West Attica, on Campus 1 [Egaleo Park]. The Laboratory facilities are granted for conducting research programs and other related actions.

The Laboratory operates according to the provisions of the current legislation.

There is also a sign with the Laboratory’s name and the Director’s name at the Laboratory facilities.

Article 7

Laboratory’s operation rules

1. The Laboratory is open during working hours, 5 days per week, according to the internal operation regulation of the University of West Attica.

2. The Director coordinates the work carried out in the framework of the research projects or other projects which will be decided. He also determines the priority of the use of consumables, equipment and Laboratory space, in case there is no other relevant decision. The Director has the responsibility to protect the instruments and the facilities from damage. He also takes care of staff safety as well as the safety of the students and visitors. Generally, he is responsible for the smooth operation of the Laboratory.

3. Only the laboratory’s scientific staff is permitted to use the laboratory equipment. The laboratory equipment also may be used by other researchers who have been trained in its use and the Director has authorized them. All the laboratory equipment which is delivered for educational and research work, must be returned after its use. The equipment must be kept in the condition in which it was before its delivery.

Article 8


The laboratory will be funded by its own resources. These funding resources will come from:

1. The implementation of the research and development programs, the elaboration of the studies and the provision of services to the public, social and private bodies.

2. The availability of research and scientific products.

3. The provision of services according to the Presidential Decree 159/1984 (Government Gazette 53/ issue A’/ 27-04-1984) “Terms and Conditions for the provision of services to individuals and all legal organizations by the university laboratories”.

4. Special contributions and international organizations as well as from Legal persons or Naturals persons (Government Gazette 14010/ Issue B’/ 05.04.2019).

5. Inheritances, donations, sponsorships and bequests at the University of West Attica which will help the Laboratory to achieve its goals, provided there is no evidence that contradict them.

6. Conferences and training seminars.

7. From any other legal source.

Article 9


The following books [Archives] and data are kept for the laboratory’s needs:

1. Protocol book for incoming and outgoing documents

2. Correspondence file

3. Book of meetings and decisions [minutes]

4. Asset book

5. File of annual financial data

6. File of annual activity reports

7. Catalog of scientific books and Journals

8. Archive of research programs

9. Archive of research data

The Director has the right to decide which other book or item which is provided by the current legislation or is deemed necessary for the laboratory, may be kept.

Article 10


The title of the Laboratory is “ICU Follow-up Care Lab”. The Laboratory uses a round stamp for its correspondence and the addition of its title. This stamp is similar to that of the Department. The Laboratory also uses a similar data stamp for its foreign language correspondence.

Article 11

Entry into Force

This decision is valid from its publication in the Government Gazette. This decision will be published in the Government Gazette.