
UNDERGRADUATE STUDIES: Faculty members of the ICU Follow-up Care Lab participate in the design, implementation and evaluation of the undergraduate nursing curriculum of the Department of Nursing, School of Health and Care Sciences at the University of West Attica.

The Undergraduate Program of Nursing studies is a 4-year course and it provides graduates with the opportunity to acquire specialized scientific knowledge, skills, and competencies to address a range of complex needs and requirements that relate to health promotion, nursing safety, health maintenance, and rehabilitation of citizens within the contemporary health care system, taking into account the unique personality of each individual as well as his/her psychological, social, economic and cultural characteristics.

More information can be found on the website of the Department of Nursing.

POSTGRADUATE STUDIES: The faculty members of the ICU Follow-up Care Lab coordinate and participate in five (5) Master's Degree Programs of the Department of Nursing, University of West Attica:

  1. Wound Care and Treatment

  2. Neurological Disorders – Evidence Based Practice

  3. Community and Public Health Nursing

  4. Management of Chronic Diseases

  5. Applied Clinical Nursing

and two (2) Master's Degree Programs of the School of Medicine of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens:

  1. Intensive Care Units – Cardiology, Medical and Nursing Care

  2. Intensive Care Units

DOCTORAL STUDIES: The members of the Research Laboratory ICU Follow-up Care Lab participate in the monitoring of PhD theses that are prepared within the framework of the PhD studies of the Department of Nursing of the School of Health and Care Sciences of the University of West Attica, are governed by the provisions of the relevant Regulations and the Law 4485/2017 "Organization and operation of higher education, regulations for research and other provisions", as in force, and fall under one of the thematic fields of the Laboratory.

In order to discuss ideas and proposals for the preparation of a PhD thesis in one of the thematic fields of the Laboratory, interested parties may contact the Director, Associate Professor Dimitrios Papageorgiou