ICSO I - call for papers

Issues in Contemporary Semantics and Ontology I

Predicates and Properties


Place and Date: Buenos Aires, Wednesday August 26th to Friday August 28th, 2009

Invited speakers:

Berit Brogaard (Australian National University-University of Missouri)

Maite Ezcurdia (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México)

Benjamin Schnieder (Humboldt Universität zu Berlin)

Zoltán Szabó (Yale University)

The conference will be devoted to the examination and exploration of issues concerning the semantic analysis of predicates, the metaphysical nature of properties, and the connections between both topics. Perspectives and new approaches are sought from those engaged in the fields of philosophy of language, metaphysics, philosophy of mind, linguistics and cognitive science.

We invite submissions for 45-minute presentations – which will be followed by 30-minute discussions. Submissions should take the form of a 1000/1500-word abstract. They should be sent by e-mail in an attached file in pdf, rtf or Word format to


Authors’ names and affiliation should be given only in the text of the e-mail message. The abstracts will be blind reviewed by an international scientific committee.

Deadline for reception of submissions: May 15th, 2009 Communication of acceptance/rejection: June 15th, 2009

If selected for presentation, whole papers should be submitted a month before the event, namely, by July 25th, 2009.

There will be a maximum of 8 submissions accepted. In order to foster the interaction between all the participants, the conference will have a small format: it will include 12/15 speakers, and will have no parallel sessions.

The official language of the conference will be English. However, we will also accept submissions in Spanish. If selected for presentation, authors of abstracts in Spanish should send a final version of the paper in English no later than July 25th, 2009.

The conference is organized by GAF (Grupo de Acción Filosófica) and will be held at SADAF (Argentine Society for Analytic Philosophy).

Organizing Committee: Gonzalo Rodriguez-Pereyra (University of Oxford), Eleonora Orlando (Universidad de Buenos Aires), Ezequiel Zerbudis (Universidad de Buenos Aires)

For further particulars, please check the GAF website at www.accionfilosofica.com, the SADAF website at www.sadaf.org.ar or contact us by sending an e-mail to icsoba@gmail.com