ICSO VI - call for papers

Issues in Contemporary Semantics and Ontology VI

Non at-issueness

Announcement and call for papers

The TALK group and the Argentinian Society for Analytic Philosophy invite researchers and scholars in Philosophy of Language, Linguistics, Logic and Philosophy of Mind to submit a paper for the workshop on Non at-issueness to be held in Buenos Aires in October 18th-20th, 2023.

The notion of non at-issueness is central to philosophy of language, formal semantics, linguistics, philosophy of mind, and logic, and thus provides for an interesting interface between these disciplines. In recent years, these fields have witnessed an increased interest in several debates concerning the notion of content, including, but not limited to:

The TALK group welcomes contributions on these, and other, topics regarding this central notion.

Invited speakers:

Submissions should include two files, to be sent to the following address: icsoworkshop@gmail.com

Deadline for reception of submissions: July 15th, 2023

Communication of acceptance/rejection: August 10th, 2023

Language of the workshop: English

Organizing Committee:

Ramiro Caso, Sofía Checchi, Leandro Cherñavsky, Eduardo García Ramírez, Federico Jaimes, Nicolás Lo Guercio, María Florencia  Silva, Matías Verdecchia.

Scientific Committee:

Eleonora Orlando & Andrés Saab

For further information, you can contact us at the previous address icsoworkshop@gmail.com