Call for Papers
Link to Rhythm 2021:
Call For Papers : We invite submissions of original, unpublished work from those who wish to present their work in any area relevant to the theme of the conference. Submissions will be reviewed by several experts in the field, and accepted papers will be presented orally or as posters. Submissions must be made through Easy Chair.
Theme : Rhythm in Speech & Music from Neuro-Cognitive Perspectives.
Sub-Themes : the detailed sub-themes are as follows -
Speech Cognition
Speech Signal Processing
Music Signal Processing
Natural Language Processing
Music and Medicine
Language, Music and Cognition
Emotion in speech and music
Computational Linguistics
Music Therapy
Signal Processing & applications
Speaker and Language Identification
Speech synthesis and generation
Prosody and Speech
Speech acoustics and acoustic modeling
Syntax-Prosody Interface
Intonation and Semantics of Natural Language
Intonation Modeling for Indian Languages
Utterance, Intonation and Emotion
Language Acquisition in Linguistically Impaired Children
Abstract Submission guidelines:
Extended Abstracts of 750-1000 words (excluding references and data) in A4 PDF format(Word/LaTex/OverLeaf), and no less than 12 Pt. are to be uploaded by 31st October, 2019 using the EasyChair system.Abstracts should be completely anonymous for consideration.
Submissions may be singly or jointly authored. No one can submit more than one singly or one jointly authored paper.
All presenters must get registered themselves.
At least one of the authors must register for the symposium.
he paper(s) received without the registration fee will not be included in the conference programme/journal publication.
The Registration Fee covers participation in the International Conference cum Workshop on Rhythm in Speech and Music from Neuro-Cognitive Perspectives (ICRSM 2020), symposium kit, certificate, refreshments, lunch and dinner.
Please send your queries, if any, to or call 6291458725 / 9051908652.
Important Dates
Abstract submission deadline : 30th November 2019.
Notification of acceptance : 15th December 2019.
Submission of full paper : December 2019
An edited volume of the papers, key note address and plenary sessions will be published on the Jadavpur Journal of Languages and Linguistics (JJLL), the official journal of the School of Languages and Linguistics, Jadavpur University. The concerned authors will have to modify their papers by incorporating the feedback,observations, comments and suggestions that come out during the presentation, according to the stylesheet of the JJLL journal.
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Camera Ready Format
All abstracts must comply with the following format:
➠ PAGE SIZE: A4 (21.0 x 29.7 cm)
➠ PAGE MARGlNS: 2.5 cm on all 4 sides, gutter 0.0
➠ FONTS: Times, Symbol
➠ FONT SIZE: 14 pt (title), 12 pt (main text), 10 pt (figure captions, references)
➠ LlNE SPACING: 1.5 lines (21 pt)
➠ TITLE OF PAPER & TOPIC: Centred alignment, bold font 14 pt
➠ LIST OF AUTHORS: Centred alignment, normal font 12 pt, presenting author underlined, e.g. M. First1, N.N. Second2
➠ AUTHOR AFFILIATIONS: Centred alignment, italic font 12 pt, e.g. 1Institute, City.
➠ EMAIL: 10-point font
➠ BODY TEXT: Justified alignment, normal font 12 pt
➠ KEYWORDS: Justified alignment, normal font 12 pt, 5-8 keywords
➠ REFERENCES: 10-point font, 1.5 line spacing
➠ FIGURE CAPTIONS: 10-point font