Iconography online courses

We open a continious intake for small groups, which start as soon as a group of 5-10 participants is formed.


Learning Iconography

From a variety of iconographic traditions, we focus on the authentic medieval Ukrainian approach to icon-painting. We learn from closely examining and imitating the original 15th-16th c. icons: their painting style and technique, use of pigments, unique features of stylization and composition. While the Ukrainian icon-painting tradition constitutes an integral part of post-Byzantine Christian iconography, it also boasts a high degree of originality and a distinctive local flavor. We invite our students to experience and appreciate this. Our school is probably the only place in the world where you can get initiated into the authentic technique of the Ukrainian iconography of the classical period (15th – 16th cc.) This is possible thanks to a professional team of instructors, a carefully designed program, and access to original icons (preserved in the Lviv National Museum).

Open to All

We strive to offer our students high-quality service that would allow them to learn the art in-depth. At the same time, we welcome people who do not have much artistic experience, training, or even courage in their ability to paint an icon. No level of knowledge or ability is expected. Students are encouraged to develop their skillset step by step, at their own pace. We believe that everyone can try, and everyone can benefit from this experience.


Online learning

At the moment we can offer only our courses online due to the situation in Ukraine. 

We have pre-recorded video-demonstrations; real-time online tutoring and lecturing via Zoom or similar platforms.

If you are interested in the online school, we can always try to tailor it to your preferred schedule.

We can have a meeting 1-3 times a week. 

In general we will have 10 zoom meetings (duration 30-70 min). Accomplishing of an icon takes 30-35 hours.

Program Schedule

Online program schedule

The schedule has to be agreed upon with the prospective participants based on their time zones and limitations, technical capabilities, etc. It will include theology and practice. 

The schedule is flexible and depends on the pace chosen by students and agreed upon by the group and the instructor.

We provide students with all necessary materials and painting supplies (board, brushes, pigments, gold leaves, varnish, etc.)!

More information is in the upper left corner of the menu:

For questions and inquiries, please contact us at arsacra@ucu.edu.ua