It is our pleasure to announce that ICMAM Latin America, committed to the advancement of the mathematical research in Latin America, is preparing some books related to our activities/conferences. With the participation of outstanding junior and senior researchers of the region, below you can find a list of books,  that are (will be) providing a perspective of our current mathematical research in Latin America. Our series of Books have been supported by Prof. Dr. Michael Ruzhansky, Main Editor of the Series: Research Perspectives Ghent Analysis and PDE Center.   

To appear in Research Perspectives Ghent Analysis and PDE Center, Springer-Birkhäuser.

Project: Analysis and PDE in Latin America, ICMAM Latin America.

Editors: Duván Cardona, Brian Grajales

To appear in Research Perspectives Ghent Analysis and PDE Center, Springer-Birkhäuser.

Project: Analysis and PDE in Latin America, ICMAM Latin America.

Editors: Duván Cardona and Brian Grajales

To appear in Research Perspectives Ghent Analysis and PDE Center, Springer-Birkhäuser.

Project: Women in Mathematics, ICMAM Latin America.

Editors: Yuriko Pitones, Pamela Harris, and Jacqueline Mesquita. 

This proposal, led by ICMAM Latin America with the support of Mexican mathematical institutions, aims to increase the visibility of Latin American women in mathematics by disseminating and popularising their scientific work through the creation of audiovisual material and a documentary.

Scientific in Charge: Dr. Yuriko Pitones.
Sponsor: Committee for Women in Mathematics, International Mathematical Union.
Videos of our project: Video 1, Video 2


From 2020, the organisation ICMAM Latin America has had an active research community with different research groups in the following areas: 

1.- Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics
2.- Analysis and Partial Differential Equations
3.- Data Science, Machine Learning, and Artificial Intelligence
4.- Actuarial and Financial Sciences
5.- Mathematics Education
6.- Geometry and Topology
7.- Logic and Set Theory
8.- Probability and Statistics
9.- Algebra, Combinatorics, and Number Theory. 

The current director of this community is Dr. Duván Cardona. If you want to participate in one of these research groups please send an email to

This project has been supported by: