

Kristin Lauter, Director of FAIR Labs North America, @Meta based in Seattle. She is an American mathematician and cryptographer whose research interest is broadly in application of number theory and algebraic geometry in cryptography. She was a Partner Research Manager at Microsoft Research for 22 years; before that: She worked as an assistant Professor of Mathematics at University of Michigan. Her research areas are Cryptography and Privacy and her current focus is Private AI and homomorphic encryption. 

Title Talk

Salsa, picante y verde:  machine learning attacks on LWE with small sparse secrets

Emanuel works as Research Scientist at ICTP - The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics.  He had different positions in various world renowned universities such as Princeton and the  Instituto de Matemática Pura e Aplicada - IMPA, from where he has had on several PhD students. He has also been part of the organizing committee of large congresses such as Congress of Mathematicians 2018 (ICM 2018). His Research interests is analysis and its applications to number theory, approximation theory and partial differential equations.

Title Talk

Fourier analysis and the least quadratic non-residue

Cesar is the head of the Algebraic Combinatorics and Discrete Geometry Group at TU Graz. Before joining the Institute for Geometry at TU Graz, Cesar held visitor member and postdoctoral positions at FU Berlin, York University, the Fields Institute, and the University of Vienna. His research focuses on the study of polytope theory, algebraic, enumerative and geometric combinatorics, Hopf algebras, etc.

Title Talk

Generalized Heawood graphs and triangulations of tori

Andrea is Professor in the Department of Mathematics at the Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina.  She has participated in multiple conferences such as the 18th International Conference on Representations of Algebras (ICRA 2018), Advances in Representation Theory VII (ARTA 2018), XXI Latin American Algebra Colloquium, among others. His research focuses on topics such as Cohomology of associative algebras and representations of algebras.

Title Talk

Hochschild cohomology ring of triangular algebras

Julia is an Assistant Professor of Mathematics at Indiana University in Bloomington, USA and she involved with the IU Quantum Science and Engineering Center (QSEc).  Her research is on quantum symmetries, with a particular focus on quantum algebra and quantum topology. She is particularly interested in tensor, fusion, modular categories, link invariants, and cohomological aspects of non-commutative algebras, such as Hopf algebras.

Title Talk

On the classification of modular categories

Mauricio works at CIDESI (Centro de Ingeniería y Desarrollo Industrial) and before that he worked at the Mathematics Department of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. He did a postdoc at the National University of Chungnam and other postdoc the Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla (BUAP).  His research focuses on noncommutative rings and their modules as well as their relation with ordered structures.

Title Talk

Some lattices in the study of modules

Nelly is an Associate Professor  in the Department of Mathematics at Swansea University. She was Nominated (by students) to the Excellence in Learning and Teaching Awards Swansea 2021 and Best Pedagogic Innovation - Swansea University Best Course Award 2019.  Her research interests are applied algebraic geometry, and commutative algebra, in particular, their applications for solving problems arising in geometric modeling and Computer Aided Geometric Design (CAGD). 

Title Talk

Spline functions on tetrahedral partitions

Johannes works in the Department of Mathematics at the Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá, Colombia. Johannes actively participates in different projects to give more visibility to mathematics such as Seminario Online Latinoamericano de Geometría Algebraica Real y Tropical (LAGARTOS). His research area is tropical geometry and his connections with enumerative geometry, real algebraic geometry and intersection theory.

Title Talk

Tropical varietires and real phase structures

Pamela E. Harris is a Mexican-American mathematician and serves as Associate Professor in the University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee. Her professional mission is to develop learning communities that reinforce students’ self-identity as scientists, in particular for women and underrepresented minorities. She has received many many teaching awards and she was one of 50 women featured in the book “Power in Numbers: The Rebel Women of Mathematics.”  Her research area is algebraic combinatorics, particularly is interested in problems related to the representation theory of Lie algebras.

Title Talk

Finding needles in haystacks: Boolean intervals in the weak order of G_n.

Elisa is an assistant professor at Université de Neuchâtel. She has received multiple awards, including Golden medal at the Olimpiada Iberoamericana de Matemáticas Universitaria, Bronze medal at the International Mathematical Olympiad and Woman Scientist of the Month August 2019 of the EPWS. Her field of research lies at the interface between number theory and algebraic geometry, whose central axis is an effective approach to the algebro-geometric properties of algebraic varieties.

Title Talk

Reduction of plane quartics and Cayley octads

Maria is a full professor at Universidad de Talca. She has participated as an organizer of multiple mathematical meetings, of which the XXIII Latin American Colloquium on Algebra stands out and plenary speaker at different mathematical events in where it excels the II Meeting of Women Mathematicians of Latin America. Also, she appears in the book Retratos de matemáticas. Entrevistas a mujeres matemáticas de América Latina y Europa. Her research area is Algebraic Homology and Algebraic Combinatorics.

Talk Title

Primitive elements for magmatic infinitesimal bialgebras

Jonathan is an Assistant Professor in the School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences at Arizona State University. Jonathan has won several awards throughout his career for his work on commutative algebra. His research focuses on multiplicities, blowup algebras, integral dependence, residual intersections, local cohomology, symbolic powers, resolutions, and convex geometry.

Talk Title

Multiplicities in commutative algebra: past, present, and future

Katherine is an associate professor in the department of mathematics at University of Colorado. She has won several international awards and was postdoctoral at different universities, including Harvard University and Stanford University. Her research is mainly focused on number theory, from which the areas of cryptography, arithmetic of Kleinian groups, arithmetic of Abelian varieties, algebraic number theory and arithmetic dynamics are highlighted.

Title Talk

The local-global conjecture for Apollonian circle packings is false

Ezra is a professor in the mathematics department at Duke University.  He has extensive experience in research where he helped with the publication of several books and scientific articles. Among all his research, it is worth highlighting the book Combinatorial Commutative Algebra written with Bernd Sturmfels and the article Gröbner geometry of Schubert polynomials  written with Allen Knutson.  His research topics are very diverse, but are mainly focused on geometry, algebra, combinatorics, probability, biology and other applications.

Title Talk

Advances in multigraded algebra

Alexandra is an Assistant Professor in the math department at UC Irvine. She finished her PhD in June 2017 at Stanford University and was later assistant professor and NSF postdoctoral fellow in the math department at Columbia. Alexandra is an expert in number theory and her research interests lie in analytic number theory; specifically, she studies questions related to L-functions.

Title Talk

Negative moments of the Riemann Zeta-function

Daniel is a full time researcher/professor at mathematics Institute of the National Autonomous University of Mexico. He has multiple distinctions and awards, where one of the most recent is the Marcos Moshinsky Chair (Cátedra Marcos Moshinsky) of UNAM’s Physics Institute and the Marcos Moshinsky Foundation.  Daniel has amazing research projects and his research interests include cluster algebras, representation theory, algebraic combinatorics and convex geometry.

Title Talk

Generic bases for cluster algebras from punctured surfaces

Beth is an Assistant Professor of Mathematics at Colorado College in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Before that, she was an Assistant Professor at Villanova University  and Visiting Assistant Professor at Wesleyan University.  Beth enjoys teaching math and supporting academic-social activities. Her research interests are very varied where we find arithmetic geometry, number theory, combinatorics, coding theory, and cryptography.

Title Talk

Locally recoverable codes from algebraic and geometric structure: ideas and examples